Sat 29 Jun 2024 11:27AM

Executive positions 2024


Angelos Tzotsos Sat 29 Jun 2024 11:30AM

Proposal after board meetings:

  • Michael for treasurer

  • Ariel for vice president (Latin America/Americas)

  • Rajat for vice president (Asia)

  • Codrina for vice president (Europe)

  • Marco for vice president (Europe)

  • Angelos for president until end of term


Marco Bernasocchi Sun 30 Jun 2024 12:23AM

@Angelos Tzotsos should this be a vote? If so i agree with all above


Angelos Tzotsos Sun 30 Jun 2024 12:51PM

just wanted to get feedback before opening the motion


Angelos Tzotsos Tue 2 Jul 2024 12:38PM

Also nominating Tom for VP NA