Would we like Celtic Burn to become Official Regional Event?
Currently, Celtic Burn is An event inspired by the 10 Principles of Burning Man in Scotland with no ties to Burning Man. I would like to start the discussion to see if we could become a Regional Event and strengthen the bond, Why?
Because I believe in the Burning Man culture, I value the history of events that created that culture, and you want to be in service to doing that same good work proudly and publicly as part of an amazing global regional event network. The main benefit is that you believe in what we are creating together in the world and want to join us and our peers in doing that work publicly. Being sanctioned also means connecting with Burning Man and a global community of official regional events and supporting what the community is doing in the world, sparking creativity, upholding our shared principles, and blowing people’s minds and hearts open in the best ways possible!
Other benefits include:
Being listed and recognized on the official events list on Burningman.org (if wanted. If we don't want to, that’s ok too)
Ability to promote in the Jackrabbit Speaks and/or Burning Man social media
Support from the Official Events Team at officialevents@burningman.org
Access to the Regional Events Committee when you have questions that the officializing team cannot quickly address
Access to an online Resource Library of tools and templates, including the Community Event Production Toolkit, etc.
Ability to use certain Burning Man trademarks and names and call yourself an “official regional event”
Mediation support from the Meta Regionals Conflict Support Sub-committee
Ability to promote in the Jackrabbit Speaks and/or Burning Man social media
Your event’s image/logo can be posted on the Burning Man website on the scrolling part of the Global Network of official regional events.
Help connecting with a peer support network of official regional event organizers.
Invitation to apply for the Regional Event Lead Mentorship Program in Black Rock City
Access to directed tickets to the Burning Man event.
Connection with subject area experts from across the world: e.g., Your Fire Safety Lead
can join the Fire Safety Leads discussion list to learn from peers, and we create new lists
to unite people around areas of interest/responsibility and challenges/topics.

Tyler Wagner Wed 14 Feb 2024 6:05PM
And what are the down sides? This presents only the benefits.
Item removed

Allan Wed 14 Feb 2024 7:16PM
I have a little perspective on this having dealt with Nest's official event process & BM reporting/compliance requirements for the last 2 years. Albeit Nest has been an official event for a while & they're used to us.
I attach the BM official event criteria.
I note some requirements:
*Transparency of finances - financial report must be published on a website annually, made available to the community (also sent to BM within certain time);
*After-burn (event-wrap-up report) must also be published on-line & available to the community(also sent to BM within certain time);
*Online Afterburn form needs to be submitted to BM - a range of questions on the event, no of volunteer hours, ticket info, etc . This is different to the public report noted above
*Event needs to be officialised each year - relatively minor paperwork pre-event, though a new event will get more focus;
*Compliance with all local licences & regulations - this'd mean needing a drink licence & probably event licence (which we looked into & would be required if we moved to Knockengorach next year anyway).
* Nominated person to handle liaison with BM;
* Appropriate insurance - we have this, just noting that the requirement to note BM is waived for UK burns;
I think the downside is degree of additional paperwork, particularly around the finances. For a Ltd company these should be getting done legally & officially anyway though, so maybe it's not a change.
To be fair the reporting requirements and paperwork isn't that onerous, it just requires a bit of planning in recording info & a dedicated person to write it up & do things on time.
I would note for official burns there is the potential for some challenges around different interpretations of the 10 principles, particularly for a new official burn. Nest (& the regional contact) had to do a lot of negotiating and persuading a few years back to retain our official event status. This was due to BM taking exception to the fact we use skips to collect recycling & rubbish - which we don't like but it's a non-negotiable condition imposed by the local council.
The ltd entity 'Northern Regional Ltd' which officially & legally puts on celtic burn was intended originally to put on other burns in Scotland, hence the name. If we became an official regional it wouldn't be able to do that (using money generated by celtic burn) unless they were also official regionals.
I would make the point that many of the benefits Kev lists are news to me, and aren't utilised by Nest. I don't think they ever have been (certainly not since I've been involved in org side).
Specifically -
Access to an online Resource Library of tools and templates, including the Community Event Production Toolkit, etc.;
Your event’s image/logo can be posted on the Burning Man website on the scrolling part of the Global Network of official regional events.
Help connecting with a peer support network of official regional event organizers.
Invitation to apply for the Regional Event Lead Mentorship Program in Black Rock City
Connection with subject area experts from across the world
At Nest we don't really use 'Support from the Official Events Team', never needed it. Occasionally we'll ask questions of the regional rep, but that's as far as it goes.
As far as online resources & peer support we recently connected to a mailing list, but that's outside of BM setup by a guy from the Florida burn. We've never needed anything official re peer support, or seen it offered. Maybe because the issues involved in running a burn in UK are different from those in the USA & elsewhere, legally.
I note Kev's listed a few points twice: Jackrabbit newsletter, peer support, subject matter experts.

LB Thu 15 Feb 2024 3:31PM
Think this is a great idea Kev. I think notably for a move next year to a site with no infrastructure and the potential to burn something larger, it would be really helpful.

fox of light Mon 19 Feb 2024 8:00PM
Grateful as I am for the originators of our beloved 10 principles, I must admit that I'm not thrilled about hitching any of our pretty European wagons to the Yankee Borg across the pond...
Is there anyone who's expressed willingness to take on the extra paperwork involved?
Also - speaking from the perspective of an organizer struggling to find volunteers for much more critical tasks at CB - at this time I would encourage a focus on building ourselves up internally & establishing CB as a stable burn first.

Sprite Sun 23 Jun 2024 2:41PM
I readily admit that I'm not an experienced Burner yet, so everything that follows comes from a fairly-new-to-all-this voice. That said, I'm paying attention and am very interested in these discussions.
Personally, I loved the decentralization of Celtic Burn this past April. Having only attended one Burn previously (with 80,000 other people in Nevada USA) I found the smallness and patently co-created quality of CB extremely appealing. I found myself thinking about and honoring the 10 Principles, and saw many others doing so as well. It doesn't seem to me that formalizing official ties to Burning Man would do anything to make the principles more central, beloved, or abided-by. I appreciated the sense that people at CB2024 were following them out of a voluntary buy-in and affection for those ideals.
In a world that seems to be becoming more homogeneous by the day, keeping an affinity for the 10 Principles but without the "joining up" aspect -- and especially NOT adopting BM paperwork, rules, online anything, etc. -- seems preferable to me. The people I met at CB2024 seem eminently capable of building a thriving community and meeting our own co-created needs and wants.
I've got "Both/And" tattooed on my forearm for a reason; I am ALWAYS open to other perspectives. But at the moment, having just seen this AP, that's my two cents. ;-)
Victoria B Mon 1 Jul 2024 2:47PM
I dont think we have a capacity for all the extra work involved in being 'official' and I quite like how we get to interpret the principles and make our event our own without having more masters to please.
Mediation and the like seems like escalation to me.
Telegram is hectic enough as is without being added to other networks and libraries! 😆 maybe once we are more developed and have a stronger sense of what Celtic Burn is about?

Atlas Tue 29 Oct 2024 7:59PM
I don't see a great cost/benefit ratio here :P but if somebody was to take on the work (not alone!!) I wouldn't be opposed

fox of light Wed 30 Oct 2024 8:10AM
I move to close/archive this 8mo old AP
Sophie Collins · Wed 14 Feb 2024 5:31PM
I guess it's difficult to answer the question given it sounds entirely beneficial with this framing, so the answer is an obvious yes with this information.... what are the downsides / implications / investments we'd have to make?