Clarity on stance with regards to Threads

This summer we had huge discussions and multiple votes on how to deal with Meta's Threads. Then a lull as things calmed down, with little to report on Thread's plans. Now, all that is back with full force with Mark Zuckerberg pronouncing his optimism for ActivityPub support, and read-only support being launched. As far as I am aware the prior discussions and votes did not lead to clarity on the approach to be taken. If there's any time to make decisions in this regard, then it is now.
Dynamic Fri 15 Dec 2023 7:19AM
@Erik Moeller
There was a formal proposal to moderate Threads at the Limit level, which passed with the following vote tally:
74% of votes were in support of the proposal
18% of votes opposed the proposal
7% abstained
98 of our 375 Loomio members participated in the poll.
The proposal was in the ginormous thread on the Anti-Meta-Fedi-Pact.
You can view the proposal and results here:

Arnold Schrijver Fri 15 Dec 2023 8:47AM
@Dynamic @Erik Moeller thanks both of you. If a clear decision was made, things do not have to be redone. It was just that the outcome of all the activity last summer wasn't clear to me, and maybe also it isn't to other members. Maybe a notification on the approach/policy suffices.
I say "maybe" a couple of times, because the process was quite messy and reformulated polls launched inbetween ultra long discussions. Also the urgency was about "what we may do in the future" with many non-voters, whereas now its actual decision time.
(For me personally I got to think hard on whether Limit is sufficient, or I should migrate)

Erik Moeller Fri 15 Dec 2023 9:55AM
@Arnold Schrijver So my read would be that the decision-making process so far has been sufficient to put the "limit" rule in practice (if it isn't already), which doesn't preclude a follow-up proposal to get wider participation, in case folks feel a need for that. Does that sound reasonable?

Arnold Schrijver Fri 15 Dec 2023 9:59AM
@Erik Moeller sounds reasonable :)
Dynamic Fri 15 Dec 2023 11:52AM
@Arnold Schrijver @Erik Moeller
Agreed. Even if the process had been less mess, it's always possible to revisit past decisions.

Ed Summers @edsu Fri 15 Dec 2023 1:14PM
@Dynamic I think a reminder as an instance announcement on Mastodon would be good, once the spigot is turned on? Although, arguably the spigot has been turned on already and the time for an announcement is now. I'm worried what ita going to do to our databases, but hopefully the Mastodon team is out ahead of that?
Dynamic Fri 15 Dec 2023 10:56PM
@Ed Summers
If you think an announcement is called for, I would lean toward sooner rather than later. No opinion about whether this is needed

Jonobie Ford Fri 15 Dec 2023 4:18PM
I also thought we’d pretty clearly landed on limit. I will say asking again may invoke some fatigue on the subject (I feel it already!) given the variety of threads we had on it here and because it’s all over masto.
It’s always possible to revisit decisions, of course, but at some point asking over and over feels a bit like trying to get a different answer from an ever-smaller list of responders as others get tired and drop out.
Dynamic Fri 15 Dec 2023 10:58PM
@Jonobie Ford
Hard agree on the fatigue. One thing I've resolved is that if we need to hash this out again, I'm not going to facilitate any discussions about it.
Erik Moeller · Fri 15 Dec 2023 3:11AM
I think the preference towards limiting in the defederation level poll was pretty clear -- we could run a larger version of that vote to make it more official?