We would love some more translation support if you have time.

Hello Loomio translation community!
It's been a while since you've heard from us - the team has been pretty small and quiet recently, but we've been delivering many new features and improvements in the Loomio software.
As of today things are in a reasonably stable place, and now is a good time for a translation update - if you are willing and have the time to spare.
We truely appreciate all the translation work gifted by this community - we're proud that Loomio continues to be open source and available in many languages, but we need to bring the translation coverage up to really deliver on this.
I hope we have your support, please reach out if there is anything I can do to help - particularly support in using Transifex.
Here is the latest snapshot of the client translations progress.
Many thanks!

Robert Guthrie Sat 28 Oct 2017 7:41PM
Hi @juliencarnot thanks for joining the group and your recent interest in Loomio. Please let me know how I can help.

Julien Carnot Sat 28 Oct 2017 8:25PM
Thanks @robertguthrie for accepting me in! My interest is not that recent (2014), but lately I'm joining groups of not so tech-savvy people that could benefit a lot from Loomio if every member could get on board (hence my efforts in translations and proposal for simplifying the UI).
Regarding translation, I have some ideas for improvement:
* setting a scheduled import of translations for each resources: it's frustrating to see strings you've translated a few weeks on transifex not being translated on the website or in the app. Frequence could be different between resources (marketing/server/app) but such a schedule could also help teams to set goals or starting streaks for translating features.
* regarding the strings themselves, I've noticed that in the Server resource, there are strings that are almost duplicates (with or without strong tags for example), which is quite frustrating to re-translate or copy/paste/edit.
* in some occurences in the Server resource, it seems like using a variable such as %poll_type would save us from translating the same strings for polls, checks, dot votes, time polls, etc.
* Transifex apparently has a search&replace function, which could be helpful to improve consistency (fr has a nice mix of 'email' and 'e-mail' for example), but I can't find the function in the right pane. Maybe it is restricted to translation coordinators?
Please let me know if I can help further, and thanks to all the Loomio team for this great platform!

Robert Guthrie Sun 29 Oct 2017 10:20PM
Thanks for the detailed response! It's so great (for me) to have a connection to our translators.
I'd be happy to setup a weekly regular import of the translation strings. I'll setup a Monday recurring calendar event now.
We'll try not to introduce duplicate strings, and also try to keep strings as concise as we can.
Regarding the %poll_type thing, we've since replaced a lot of the duplicates with exactly what you're suggesting, sorry this means even more work as we dump the old translations but we're learning how to best compose strings and I think we've learned a lot of those lessons now. The poll stuff was such a major piece of work - but it's settled down now.
Would it help if I promoted you to a translation coordinator?

Julien Carnot Sun 29 Oct 2017 10:48PM
A weekly import would be great!
I'm OK to become a translation coordinator for French, we'll see if it allows search&replace!

Julien Carnot Mon 6 Nov 2017 12:02PM
An afterthought, have you investigated integrating push and pull from transifex with TravisCI?
Thanks for adding the plugins as resources, I've just noticed there are some strings showed in the "instant" notifications (shown in white in a black box appearing in the left bottom corner, such as 'Done'), which are not translated and that I can't find in the repos.

Robert Guthrie Mon 6 Nov 2017 8:12PM
Interesting! Right now I manually check the updates for errors. There is often a missing angle bracket and such. I think we'd need to ensure that translations were reviewed or automatically validated if we moved to an automated system.

Eduard Kurganskyi Mon 20 Nov 2017 9:32AM
I translate Loomio into Ukrainian (85%). But nobody review it (0%). Who and how can review the translation?

Robert Guthrie Mon 20 Nov 2017 7:37PM
Thanks for your efforts. Right now we don't have anyone formally reviewing any of the translations, it would be great but seems like we just don't have enough people right now.
We're happy to merge and release unreviewed translations if you're happy to put the work in in the first place. And I'd be happy to include a link in the profile page requesting reviewers for particular translations.

Robert Guthrie Sun 26 Nov 2017 8:34PM
Thanks for all the work and support, translation team!
It's great to see the translation activity of recent times. French, Chinese, Spanish and Ukrainian are all well translated, and it's great to see German, Danish, Dutch, Portuguese and Italian all moving in the right direction too.
Thanks from the Loomio team in Wellington!
Robert Guthrie · Thu 28 Sep 2017 10:07PM
I've updated the guide for translating to include examples of translating with code correctly. Feedback appreciated.