Mon 21 Mar 2016 12:53PM
Transport and environment
Simon Thorpe
Seen by 271
Transport and environment policy
James T Holland Tue 29 Mar 2016 9:48AM
Free (or very cheap) buses funded by massive increase in congestion charge price and area (and new CC exemptions for the poorest/disabled?)
Sort out the air quality by any means necessary (hopefully the above will make a big difference?)
Simon Thorpe Wed 30 Mar 2016 2:07PM
So maybe Transport For All or something as a headline principle. Under which our long term aim is free public transport. And our immediate term policy is free or cheap transport for the low waged, funded by higher congestion charge and fuel tax. Plus expansion of safe cycle lanes.
In my experience environment mainly comes up in terms of pollution. So we can use that in the framing of the above.
Tom Kaufmann · Mon 28 Mar 2016 8:19PM
First draft Transportation and Environment
Hey all,
Here is a first write up of the Transport and Evironment group of the Manifesto Workshop:
Google Drive
The main 4 fields I identified are:
Transportation seems to be topic in which the other parties aren't soo far off from what we want. For example the Greens and Sadiq both want to extend bike usage, freeze TfL prices and introduce tickets for commuters (so not to punish people who have to change buses).
So we might want to set ourselves apart from that.
Main policy areas for us could be:
Environment has been a bit neglected in comparison to transport in my notes. Maybe someone who attended this group during the Manifesto Event can fill in the gaps.