"Show more"/"Unshow" option for long posts

Sometime you click "Show more" to see a post that could be interesting and you discover a post that takes at least 5 screens and you can't hide it anymore.
Do you think it could be nice to keep the possibility to "Unshow" the post?
* This would would only be available for posts that are already considered too long with the "Show more" link;
* I think "Hide" would be better than "Unshow", but for the clarity of the proposition I preferred to use "Unshow" so that everyone understand the post is not completely hidden.

Elm Wed 30 Dec 2015 4:19PM
To me it is a very minor feature. Devs should concentrate on more important feature !

Creak Wed 30 Dec 2015 4:27PM
Hi, when that happen ie you close the web browser and start it again, is the message hidden with "show more" again ?
Yep, no need to remember anything along the session.
I actually copied the behavior of the post and comments in G+. When G+ considers the post too long, it cuts it and add a "Show more" link. Once you click it, the link transforms to "Show less content" (translation from French, might not be this exactly). I find it pretty useful to keep a clean and neat stream.
Refreshing the stream is one alternative, but it's not satisfying since I don't want to show the new posts until I finished the current ones.
To me it is a very minor feature. Devs should concentrate on more important feature !
I also consider the "Show less" as a pretty simple feature, but UI details are very important, especially for social networks. And maybe some new devs would be glad to find simple tasks to do?
Michael Vogel Thu 31 Dec 2015 8:58AM
This sounds like one of these small things that really can help a lot.

goob Sat 2 Jan 2016 4:24PM
To hide something you've just 'shown more', refresh the browser window.
There's an existing issue for a 'show less' link for long posts here. One problem is that images pulled in via links are not parsed before the height of the post is determined, so those long comic strips don't trip the 'show more' function.
If one of you who thinks this is simple to implement could implement it, that would be great. I don't think this needs a Loomio discussion, though, as it's not likely to be a controversial issue.
Elm · Wed 30 Dec 2015 4:16PM
Hi, when that happen if you close the web browser and start it again, is the message hidden with "show more" again ?