Thu 9 Mar 2017 10:36PM
Possible Questions for Scientists at CERN
Brett Mckay
Seen by 26
Looking at Possible Questions that a virtual tour could include
hayden Fulcher Thu 9 Mar 2017 10:42PM
Denver Gannon Thu 9 Mar 2017 10:44PM
How do you "inject" the electrons into the Higgs Boson?
Zane Storrie Thu 9 Mar 2017 10:45PM
Is working at the LHC fun? :D Also how did you come across this career?
Stelios Vourakis Sun 12 Mar 2017 2:18PM
When we do virtual visits there are some questions that we usually get. A very popular one is how someone gets to work at CERN. Another is how people spend their free time there. If working at CERN is dangerous also comes up.
When the Higgs was discovered the most usual question was how this discovery can be used in a practical application.
When the LHC first started working we got a lot of questions regarding cost (how much does it cost per year, who pays the bill etc). That was kind of an issue in the press those days.
Xanda Kolesnikow · Thu 9 Mar 2017 10:42PM