Upcoming Online Empathy Circles
Upcoming Online Empathy Cafe Events
Here are upcoming Empathy Cafes. Let the XR Empathy Circle Work Group know if you would like to learn about or host some Empathy Circles with your groups. We are here to support you. EdwinRutsch@gmail.com
March 3 (Tuesday): Empatyczne słuchanie i mówienie - trening
Polish Empathy Cafe
March 4 (Wednesday): Empathy Cafe: Discuss XR Vision 2020
Share your vision for the future of Extinction Rebellion.
"...XR is at a turning point. What happens next is its most important decision to date. It could propel us all to new heights in 2020, or see us plagued by the incoherence that many of you have been feeling since last October’s Rebellion." p. 3 Rushing the Emergency, Rushing the Rebellion? – Story and Vision for XR in 2020
March 6 (Friday): Empathy Cafe: How might XR more effectively mediate conflict?
Conflict is a normal part of life. In this Empathy Cafe, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and take tangible actions on; How might Extinction Rebellion more effectively mediate, facilitate and resolve internal (and external) conflict? The Empathy Circle process itself, is a very simple and foundational conflict resolution practice that anyone can use. We will learn and practice this skill.
March 6 (Friday): Empathy Circle Facilitators Online Support Group
XR Empathy Circle Work Group orientation and Mutual Support for Empathy Circle facilitators.
March 11 (Wednesday) Empathy Cafe: How might XR design Empathic Direct Actions (EDA)?
Use the Empathy Circle process to inquire, brainstorm and dialogue about designing and implementing XR Direct Actions based on Empathy.
March 13 (Friday): Empathy Cafe: How might XR more effectively mediate conflict?
March 13 (Friday): Empathy Circle Facilitators Online Support Group
March 14 (Saturday): XR San Francisco Empathy Cafe
For existing and prospective activists, join us for an online Empathy Circle for building regenerative culture, mutual support, community and connection. Talk about whatever is on your mind. Learn, practice and deepen active listening skills for mutual support, community (team) building, conflict resolution and action.
More Empathy Cafes are on the way.
1. Planning a 10 Week Empathy Cafe series on 'XR Principles and Values'. One cafe per principle.
2. Your Empathy Circle here
3. etc.
Recent Cafes
Empathy Circle Discussing the pamphlet,
Extinction Rebellion MA Empathic Peoples Assembly
Extinction Rebellion Principles and Values Guardians
Topic: XR & POWER, our experiences of it, how it lands on us, what it feels like?
and more.