Sun 29 Nov 2015 10:00AM

Feedback forms.

HM Helen Moore Public Seen by 14

I received an email from the AntiUni team in London which I'd like to share here in case anyone hasn't seen it:

"The newsletter contains links to two feedback forms, which we would be very grateful if you could complete and pass on to your co-organisers and attendees. The information from the feedback forms will help us to share everyone's success and plan our next moves."

Link to host/organisers feedback form: https://antiuniversitynow.typeform.com/to/FJg0tR

Link to attendees/guests feedback form: https://antiuniversitynow.typeform.com/to/qjI3Bi


shiri shalmy Sun 29 Nov 2015 11:11PM

Thanks Helen
To save you having to forward further messages, it's probably easier if people join the AntiUni mailing list - http://www.antiuniversity.org/Mailing-list

And yes, please fill in the feedback form(s).


shiri shalmy Wed 9 Dec 2015 11:01PM


We've not received any feedback from Cornwall yet... we really would like to know how it went.

But in the meanwhile, we really need to know how many people attended each session (Helen, please count yours as three separate sessions).
It would be great if people could just write the number of attendees here and I will collate tomorrow (Thu).



Adam Russell Thu 10 Dec 2015 2:30PM

Hi Shiri, sorry for the delay in giving my organiser feedback - I have now filled in the form. I've actually felt rather deflated and burnt out about the whole thing since the events happened. Even more so after we had a follow-up pub meeting. It just seems so unclear how to progress in a focused energetic way, so diffuse :( Anyway, I've put that in the form along with other more specific stuff about the particular event I put on.


shiri shalmy Thu 10 Dec 2015 3:41PM

Sorry to hear that, Adam.
I read your feedback and acknowledge the problems you mentioned - the idea of ownership and control is something we talk a lot about and the idea is to try to keep the festival as open as possible following this year's model.
It's going to be tricky, especially if we go for funding (which will prob only cover one organiser's time, with everyone else still unpaid - another minefield!) but we are quite determined to make it work.

In terms of post event vibe - we felt the opposite over here, super optimistic and energised. Maybe because we had more feedback? We met hundreds of people throughout the weekend and everyone was so positive!
(in fact, i was just adding up the numbers - still missing most of the Cornish figures, mind you - and we've had over 1000 guests!)

Next year plans - we organised a meeting on 27 Jan and want to invite people we would like to discuss the future of the project with. @adamrussell, it would be great if you could join us via skype as - despite not representing - you were the instigator of the Cornish Fringe. (I know it's always a bit shit but maybe worth trying?)

Let me know and please encourage others to send us their figures (not everyone's here, right?),


Helen Moore Thu 10 Dec 2015 6:16PM
