Options for voting
We have three options ( there can be more - please add for voting).
We need to agree on one option so we can proceed on next steps. (how this works in Loomio - https://www.loomio.org/help#setting-outcome)
Option 1.
Use white labelled crowdfunding platform with Katmlara is lead project.
The platform I recommend is http://ignitiondeck.com/id/
Option 2.
Use existing crowdfunding platform ( eg Rangde, Wishberry, Millaap etc) and kickstart with Katmlara
(ref link on crowdfunding platforms in India: http://www.nextbigwhat.com/crowdfunding-in-india-legal-challenges-297/)
Option 3.
Setup basic website with Paypal India enabled to start getting funds. Need to get domain, add paypal button and then use Facebook to get traction.
PS: This vote doesn’t cover logistics on ADI integration etc. Please create a separate discussion for that. This is just to define how we get to MVP quickly.
Deborah Zama Mon 21 Sep 2015 11:05AM
I can't vote right now because i don't understand much and will need to read up and educate myself a bit more.
I am okay with exploring the idea of crowd funding and will eventually agree with what you guys think best (as you know better) as long as:
The fund is not a loan to us from the platform
We are independent of the platform in our functioning
It is not a time-bound fund as we are working in a very organic manner, the ground realities being completely new to most of the members and a LOT more complex when compared to crowd funding for say, launching a soundtrack, a website or a mobile case.
Who are the stakeholders?
What are the hidden costs and formalities, etc.
Priya Prakash Mon 21 Sep 2015 11:39AM
Thanks Zama.
To your points -
DZ: The fund is not a loan to us from the platform |
PP: Correct its not
DZ: We are independent of the platform in our functioning
Pp: Yes its independent
DZ: It is not a time-bound fund as we are working in a very organic manner, the ground realities being completely new to most of the members and a LOT more complex when compared to crowd funding for say, launching a soundtrack, a website or a mobile case.
PP: Some of these platforms are focussing on craftsmen loans or fundraise etc. e.g. - Milaap and Rangde.org Some are reward and time based e.g. Wishberry. Once we agree on the approach to use an existing platform, it becomes faster on deciding which one best suits the purpose of the collective. Bear in mind there will be an element of time as there needs to be an outcome for the project being funded and for the platform to be able to disburse funds etc.
Read up on the options and also go for the other 2 options or add an alternative if it helps? They best way to use this tool is to take a position and give a reason so its easy to see where everyone stands
Deborah Zama Mon 21 Sep 2015 12:10PM
cool. will do. thank you for taking the time to answer. made my life a little easier.
Deborah Zama Tue 22 Sep 2015 1:03PM
Cool. Full support.
Priya Prakash Tue 22 Sep 2015 9:22PM
thanks guys, this is useful. I have started prototyping this based on your encouragement and support. Its just a mock up .
On Milaap.org https://milaap.org/campaigns/Katlamara
We cannot use Wishberry as the project doesn't fall under any of their categories ( have attached screen shot)
Priya Prakash · Sun 20 Sep 2015 1:29PM
Please use this to discuss pros and cons of options.