Sat 27 Oct 2018 10:45AM


W waldo Public Seen by 90

feel free to edit any of this text, this is our common wiki

Tools help us shape our reality, but our reality is also shaped by the tools we use. Facebook, Slack, Loomio, Dreams platform,... they are not neutral tools.
We want to consciously choose or build a tool, to help it shape our reality.
A platform where you can find interesting discussions on digital tools for our community: https://talk.theborderland.se/networks/

Tool integration

Ideally we plan a little how all these tools interact with each other. If a dreams platform as a to-do connected to it (because of fire), can we easily reference it in a discussion and then how would it map in a task&responsibility manager? (etcetera)

A communication platform enabling consensual do-ocracy decision making

We are currently running on Loomio Gold. This works well for decision-making, but has some limitations in terms of "chatting" and mobile capabilities. There are other tools as well, such as discourse, but that do not have the extensive capabilities in terms of decision making. The question is: which tool do we go for? And then let's do it! :)

Regarding Loomio:
- we need to move to a solution where we host it ourselves (e.g. https://talk.theborderland.se). ==> the person that takes charge of this can contact Arthur, who did it already for Payamcakes.
- We need to work on some of the painpoints (e.g. language, desire for an app-version) ==> this can be a future action point.
a more extensive product brief that would be nice as a basis but needs a lot of further co-creation + is outdated: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hiFoSuWGZik_YT3FBZjOslzsi4lJkQNWqTMoYOVZO_w/edit?usp=sharing

Enabling the community to decide where funds & art grants go

e.g. dreams platform: http://dreams.theborderland.se/
The goal of such platform would not be limited to art grants, but can also function as a budget decision tool for more structural topics, such as gate or welfare.
- frontend: easy, open and intuitive for participants
- backend: needs good interface for dependent departments to interact with artists + great interface needed for finances as well ==> to be figured out

Enabling decentralized getting-shit-done with a task and responisibility manager to map our path

Crucial for such a task manager, is to clearly track responsibilites, to make it super clear who people can talk to to get things moving. The second crucial bit, is to clearly show dependencies between roles or tasks.

There is an interesting project originating from the Borderland community that intends to connect the Dreams platform, Loomio/Talk and a task&responsibilities manager. This project is called "Realities" and lies within the Participio project. More info: https://edgeryders.eu/t/realities-project-white-paper/9064

Realities (the Borderland tool) example: http://realities.theborderland.se/969783b3-0ad9-4f71-9cc5-dafe05a29d4f

Potential other tools already out there:
- Doocrate
- ClickUp
- Trello
- Slack
- ???


  • A budget & accounting tool to enable easy finance processing in line with tax requirements
  • A website where new people easily can find their way to how they can contribute
  • A volunteer coordination tool?
  • A workshop/events registration and overview tool?

Let's chat

What do you think? How can we improve our tools? Which tool and how would we modify it to help it shape our reality how we like it to?


Henrik Wed 14 Nov 2018 2:42PM

hey @alexcuthbertson - if you use the "reply to comment" function it makes it easier to follow the conversation! =P
(little arrow in the comment itself)


waldo Sat 24 Nov 2018 6:18PM

indeed :D