Fri 17 Feb 2023 10:47AM

Ticket Transfer Process

L LB Public Seen by 60

Hi everyone

I'm mindful it's coming to that time again where people want to transfer/sell tickets and wondering how people think we should do this and I'm happy to set something up. I think there was something last year, maybe it was just a spreadsheet tab? I'm mindful that people searching for a ticket will not necessarily know about our do-ocracy or have access to platforms/info yet, and I also don't want people to get scammed.

Perhaps a spreadsheet tab where people note their ticket is for sale and if someone is looking online I can then put them in contact? Would this be a fairly full proof way?

Or people could transfer back to us but then presumably we could lose money - is there some kind of process that someone could note they have one for sale on the actual ticket platform and then someone can buy through there? But if not exchanged there the ticket wouldn't be refunded?

Much love, LB X


Emily H Sat 18 Feb 2023 10:29AM

i think last year there was a waiting list but if i remember correctly it didn't work out amazingly and the memberships more or less went via FB as it ended up being tricky to get in touch with the people on the wait list? some kind of spreadsheet seems like a good shout altho perhaps a separate one to the mastersheet to avoid infinite tabs + ability to restrict users to just those dealing with ticket stuff.

transfer back is problematic -- yes lose money in transfer if using stipe but also we only kept the website open for the time it was needed as it is costly to use! so it would have to be done via bank transfer which results in a bunch of finance admin for all involved.

spreadsheet for exchanges all the way, or even letting it happen organically (could just have a specific thread including reminders on how to be wary of scammers) and just advising people to email northernregional to advise of name change?


Sam Lee Sat 18 Feb 2023 4:23PM

A membership swap happened in person at the last Edinburgh meet. I think let it happen organically on Facebook works too. Would be good to have a pinned post with info like:

  • Check this person is on the master spreadsheet before transfer

  • message northern regional if in doubt

  • £80 was the membership fee +£21 kitchen and anything else was donation

  • No transfers up to a month before the event (I like this because it stops transfers the week before)

Can send info out in a future newsletter too


LB Fri 24 Feb 2023 9:30AM

Yeah I think that’s a good idea. We had someone yesterday post a ticket but name on fb wasn’t on the spreadsheet. The message was taken down and then confirmed via message their name on the spreadsheet. Are we happy with this process?

Thanks to Kev for flagging it yesterday. Kev offered to help me cross check people.

We also discussed all posts have to be approved but perhaps this would be too much additional admin? However if it had been someone selling something fake yesterday we may not have seen it until morning by which point someone could have sent money.

What I think would be good is a fb post/thread just for tickets, the advice as mentioned above, and then once someone posts, an admin confirming they are on the master before someone can actually sell (by way of a fb comment). There are flair things but I can’t work out how to customise to have ie “certified ticket holder”.

Then once they have sold, editing or removing their post on fb so that people can only see what’s still available (by either removing or marking clearly as SOLD).


LB Sun 5 Mar 2023 9:41AM

Hi folks.

Can I just check if anyone has any issues with the above and I’ll get the fb post started.

Also, do we also want to decide a cut off date (if any) for membership requests. I like the idea of making it until the end as I think anyone who wants to come should, but as @Sam Lee mentioned on fb, maybe we have a conditional on tickets so that the person selling has to give a little brief so the person knows what’s happening/where to go?

@Katy Hindson also copying you in :)


LB Sun 5 Mar 2023 10:15AM

Also if someone is transferring and has an assigned bed should we ask them to email to give this to someone else first?


Deleted account Mon 6 Mar 2023 12:34PM

I reckon if someone transfers their membership they just delete their name of the bedsheet. We were pretty clear memberships don't come with beds


Deleted account Mon 6 Mar 2023 12:38PM

Also just to flag that only members are supposed to have access to the master spreadsheet. It's a bit of an admin pain but really we should be removing people's access when they have sold their membership. Not sure how we would manage this when it's self-organising (perhaps the buyer does it)


LB Tue 7 Mar 2023 11:03AM

Yeah I’d agree we have to delete those people once the name is changed. Or they email cb email to confirm the name change instead and we remove access then? I’m happy to help but I don’t have access to the email.

And agreed on the bed situation. Unless the person has a really good reason

Can I make the fb post? I was waiting off but if I don’t hear back today will post tomorrow. X


Katy Hindson Tue 7 Mar 2023 12:00PM

This all sounds good to me, and I really like the idea of the person selling the ticket giving a brief to the person taking on the membership. Fb post would be great, thanks for being up for putting that together LB x


Sam Lee Tue 7 Mar 2023 12:05PM

Emailing CB is a good thing, i've been keeping half an eye on it and changing names and emails for the newsletters. I think more effort than worth to remove sheet access, could be confusing too for new people to change access. I think okay to leave that out. Thanks for doing the post LB. Do you think we should encourage to keep in that thread and delete old posts that say sorted? Would be good to get people to eddit there comment if they've sold

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