Tue 4 May 2021 8:05AM

Quarterly Project 2021Q3

CM Cj Malone Public Seen by 66

With QP2: Buildings well under way, lets start thinking about our QP3 topic. Post some ideas in this thread, and I'll start a vote next week.


jambamkin Wed 5 May 2021 7:47PM

Tourism sounds like a great theme, it's a well documented tagging area, and it will have big impact on people's desire to use the map if it has the latest activities. Lots of people holidaying inside the country this year including OSMUK members I'm sure.


Nick Whitelegg Tue 4 May 2021 9:07AM

.. a 'fill in the gaps' footpath mapping project - there are areas where say 80% of the footpaths have been mapped on the ground but the other 20% not, because the map 'looks' completed and no-one has targeted the area.

... or, a 'map your local permissive footpaths' project, one great advantage we have over OS which doesn't show all of them.

... 'local' being a fairly wide definition, maybe other areas within your county as it's likely that you will have mapped all the permissive paths in your immediate vicinity!


Jay Turner Tue 4 May 2021 9:21AM

Obviously, my suggestion is going to be a nationwide NaPTAN data refresh and other public transport stuff


Cj Malone Tue 4 May 2021 9:49AM

I feel like 90% of the NaPTAN stuff could be done by 1 person going through the imports process. NGL the imports process is the reason I haven't already done it, the technical bit should be fairly straight forward.


Tony Shield Tue 4 May 2021 11:05AM

I had a similar idea as Jay Turner - verify whats on the ground in terms of bus routes and stops. Last weekend Burnley Transport part of Transdev with Lancashire CC inaugurated Ribble Country, it is a new series of routes, amendments and deletions branded Ribble Country Network. I intend to start mapping some of it but I dont have the smarts to handle updating with GTFS. Their website provides OpenData https://www.transdevbus.co.uk/open-data as GTFS from NaPTAN (it also uses OSM basemap on which to overlay their routes).

CJ Malone thinks it is easy going through the imports process - honest it isn't. I would like to see a working party define and build a process that could reliably update buses. In the meantime flag whats wrong so it's a marker for maintenance, I know PT relations are fiddly so marking for maintenance is great for those who are happy fiddling with PT relations.


Cj Malone Tue 4 May 2021 11:21AM

I wasn't suggesting imports is easy, the opposite, it's the burden that's stopped me updating NaPTAN data in OSM. I've just converted the bus stops from Transdev into GeoJSON, you should be able to open it and process it in JOSM now.


Tony Shield Tue 4 May 2021 12:01PM

Conflating that lot will keep me quiet for a week or so . . . . 🙂


Ed Loach Tue 4 May 2021 3:08PM

I used to use the TransXChange format open data from the tnds ftp site to keep local bus routes updated. It appears to be moving to a download from https://data.bus-data.dft.gov.uk/timetable/download/ instead, which also has a GTFS option. I am still experimenting as the data doesn't seem to be the same (I downloaded the latest data again yesterday evening to see if anything changed, but a week or two back I was investigating the HEDO 136 which runs near here, and the TransXChange data and the companies website says the route variants are the same Monday to Saturday, but GTFS has different routes for Saturday than Monday to Friday). So I've stopped updating locally (Tendring when first unsure about the data, Essex when happy) until I can be sure what data I can trust.


Cj Malone Sat 29 May 2021 8:43PM

Addresses in Northern Ireland.

I think this would be better as a winter one, but what is peoples opinions on a QP that targets a specific area instead of a topic that can be covered everywhere?


Gareth L Wed 9 Jun 2021 12:24PM

This has gotten away from us again, please give any other ideas soon.

So far ideas which have shown some traction include:

Recycling/waste processing

Tourism data/attributes

Public ROW/paths/ways - focus on gap filling ?

Public transport network conflation/ data improvement


Tony Shield Wed 9 Jun 2021 1:13PM

I like Tourism, it is important and useful this summer as people have staycations. Adding all of the sites of the national heritage bodies across the 4 nations will be useful, also adding the country parks from the Environmental agency site - identified a month of so ago in talk-gb.

People can see tourism, cultural and heritage assets quite easily in https://www.openstreetbrowser.org and it is rapidly updated to changes can be checked easily.


Cj Malone Sat 19 Jun 2021 10:13AM

We've decided on Tourism for QP3. It's a topic that should be especially useful this year. I've started a wiki page, please feel free to add more details, especially more things to do and sources to help.


Phil Wed 30 Jun 2021 12:48PM

New here, so firstly hi! I've been impressed with the work by Surfers Against Sewage to provide alerts for discharges in rivers and beaches. With the OSM user base no doubt much larger than their audience, having that data (albeit it would need to be "live", so not sure if that is possible) could be a huge public safety benefit. I believe this info is currently only available on here https://www.sas.org.uk/map/ - so you will not see it unless specifically looking for it