Wed 16 Sep 2015 12:07PM

Sub-group formations before next meeting

SY Senay Yitbarek Public Seen by 230

Hi all,

Thanks for signing-up! This is just a friendly-reminder to start forming and experimenting with sub-groups. In our last meeting, we came up with several sub-groups around student debt, anti-biotic resistance, GMO's, education etc. Perhaps some of you can start a discussion (just like I am right now) and then others who feel compelled can join in that conversation. The basic idea is that through "deliberation" sub-groups can start proposing ideas and initiatives around specific topics. Then those issues are brought to the "federation" at our weekly meetings and discussed as a group. Through the Loomio platform everyone will still have access to what others are discussing in their sub-groups and can be part of multiple-subgroups if they desire to do so. Loomio is simply a tool and by now means will it replace face-to-face interactions. However, it serve as an aid in our attempt to practice democracy in action.