Protecting Civil Liberties

I reached out to the ACLU's local chapter in Sacramento. They are interested in a conference call to see how they can be of assistance.
They could be good allies to come to the table when the permit seekers meet with the city (I don't know if there's time for that since it's going to be early next week), but they can have at least have a table and distribute "Your Rights at a Protest" booklets like we did in Philly in '12. The Philly chapter of the ACLU gave us hundreds, I made sure everyone got one, even the National Park Rangers! (That was my direct action:)
They are now asking for some dates for a conference call, so speak up if you are interested in this aspect or working with the ACLU.
If the admin team would set up a Doodle, we can see how we can protect the civil liberties of attendees (and ourselves!)
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

NikiV Thu 3 Jul 2014 5:19PM
I would love to be on the call. Whenever it is set, I will make myself available as best as possible.

Tricia Fri 4 Jul 2014 1:52AM
The chapter will be a great ally—Tess Ahmad who originally responded to my e-mail can speak with our group about ways the chapter can be involved via tabling/public education/help with organizing etc.
Sally G · Thu 3 Jul 2014 2:44PM
Done and e-mailed: