
Calling any forest gardeners near Cheltenham

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I was working with this school last week https://www.prestburystmarys.co.uk/ who have some spare land they might like to turn into an outdoor teaching area. The teacher I spoke to Tristan Thomas, Year 4 became very interested in planting a forest garden to introduce children to Nature as a system. I offered to contact our network. Please message me and I'll put you in touch if you'd like to help: paulpivcevic@gmail.com


Rakesh B Thu 2 Jun 2022 10:11AM

While I am not local. I am often in Wiltshire and Somerset (maybe moving there sometime in the future), so not so far away. Happy to help if they need training or guidance and a way to engage children in the design process. Will be doing a forest garden course in Bath (hopefully) later this year.


Bevis Hughes Thu 2 Jun 2022 9:22AM

Hi Paul,

What a wonderful set of projects. I will be really interested to see how things develop. When I have my uni studies complete I will have time for other things so perhaps I may be able help in some *Caveat: although I have no definitive set of skills!

I will be certain to make contact with Tristan, and let you know how things progress. Thank you for the connection.


Deleted account Wed 1 Jun 2022 7:38AM

Hey Bevis

Good to hear from you. I've passed your details along to the school: St Mary's Prestbury in Cheltenham. The teacher Tristan Thomas doesn't appear to have a direct email so here's the address I used: admin@st-marys-prestbury-inf.gloucs.sch.uk Do feel free to chase him!

This is what I'm up to these days: regenerative-partners.com


Bevis Hughes Sat 28 May 2022 12:24PM

Hi Paul,

I’d be very interested in making contact. I’m still at Uni (just!) in
Cheltenham, and working on a dissertation focused on ecoliteracy and the potential role of forest gardens….Serendipity?

How are things? It would be great to have a chat sometime and hear your news. I’d love to pay a visit to Batheaston sometime.

Best email is bevishughes@me.com
All the best,

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