Tue 23 Apr 2013 7:58PM
Seen by 12
Discussion on policy relating generally to patents.
Zacqary Adam Green Mon 29 Apr 2013 9:44PM
@amandajohnson We do have an idea of what happens after we abolish patents. Historical evidence shows that a lack of a patent system is far better for innovation.
Preventing plagiarism is much more important for creative works (which are handled by copyright) than it is for technology. People care a lot less about who invented what, and more about whether or not it works. We REALLY shouldn't be legally encouraging the kind of cult of personality that Steve Jobs built around himself, for example.
I think encouraging open source culture would do a much better job of protecting inventors from being exploited than any kind of patent system.
Amanda Johnson Tue 30 Apr 2013 2:46PM
@zacqaryadamgreen Okay, I can agree to that.
Benjamin Lyon · Fri 26 Apr 2013 3:27AM
What...this...discussion...you can't be serious.