Thu 7 Jul 2022 6:08PM

Should EarthArXiv expand beyond English? If so, how do we do this right?

BC Bruce Caron Public Seen by 103

We routinely reject non-English submissions. However, our moderation policy is to check for formal aspects of the submission, not to evaluate the science claims. So, we should be able to extend our languages to include non-English submissions. Any thoughts? Any ideas about process?


Bruce Caron Thu 21 Jul 2022 5:21PM

It seems like step ONE is the compile a list of preprint services that support non-English content.

HERE is a google doc for people (Including YOU) to add the names of preprint services that support languages other than English:



brandon Sun 24 Jul 2022 11:41PM

@Bruce Caron I added several others to the spreadsheet. I did add a few that were either English only, or unspecified specifically one way or the other. I added these for reference so any/every one else doesn't spend time checking something which is already on the list.

Having said that, some of the criteria is fairly elusive; some of them may require further digging.