
It's important to have a well defined branding, we should set rules and provide resources (for example in a wiki page) to help people who want to create around diaspora*.

Flaburgan Thu 25 Jul 2013 1:53PM
For example, we should:
- say the roboto font has to be used and provide a link to download it
- provide the asterisk in different sizes and format (png, ico, svg)
- same for the "diaspora*" image
- indicate colors used (to help podmins set their own home page for example)
We should also decide what's the "official" logo: the asterisk only, the "diaspora*" image, which one? Personally, I think we should not capitalize the d of diaspora*. This logo is the best imo:
But there is also this one:
so we need to decide which one promote, etc...

Sean Tilley Thu 25 Jul 2013 6:41PM
Personally, I've always been partial to the lowercase bold diaspora*, but I think the asterisk is just as tied to our branding as the name itself is.

goob Sat 3 Aug 2013 6:19PM
I also like lower-case diaspora*.
I originally styled the logo for the new project site this way, but then changed it because I couldn't find enough evidence for its use elsewhere. I could commit this file to the repo if there's agreement to go ahead with this style.
Should we have a proposal for using diaspora* in Roboto bold?
I agree with @jonnehass in this comment on Github that in longer documents such as blog posts and user guides, it is better to revert to the more tradition Diaspora (upper-case initial, no asterisk).

goob Sat 3 Aug 2013 6:21PM
As to the two logos below, I still have a great fondness for the hand-drawn one (in fact there was a number of hand-drawn logos created), and think it would be a shame to lose it. However, this is more artwork than straight branding, and I think should be used in more arty cases, using the typographical logo and styling in text communications.

Florian Staudacher Sun 4 Aug 2013 12:39AM
I think that's a good direction...
using lower-cased with asterisk, roboto-bold for branding
and capitalized without asterisk for a proper name in longer texts

Jason Robinson Sun 4 Aug 2013 7:42AM
+1 for what Goob said.

Flaburgan Wed 7 Aug 2013 12:01PM

goob Thu 8 Aug 2013 1:08PM
I think we need a proper vote on this before changing direction, as it is an important matter. It looks as though we have a consensus, but that is only among 5 or 6 people.
It would be best I think to have proposal and vote in the root group (Diaspora Community) of this Loomio group, so that everyone who's signed up here will see it and can contribute, not only those who are a part of the Outreach group.
I'd say the first proposal and vote would be simply about the change from Diaspora* to diaspora* in text and logos, and we can vote on any other issues later.
Collating information from below, it looks as though the suggested practice (assuming the vote to move to lower-case diaspora* is passed) is:
- change branding in text and logos to all lower case, with the asterisk: that is, diaspora*;
- use the Roboto bold font for logos:
- the logo should be either diaspora* or the asterisk alone.
- in longer text documents, it is fine to use Diaspora (capital, no asterisk) where diaspora* repeatedly would start to look intrusive.
- colours? (Fla mentioned this - I think we leave this up to individuals, just as different pods already have colour variants on the asterisk).
- also fine to create and use other artwork eg hand-drawn asterisks.
As this is a fairly central issue it would probably make sense for someone 'official' like @seantilleycommunit to start the proposal, but I'm happy to do it if you want me to.

Flaburgan Thu 8 Aug 2013 1:40PM
All your points are perfect. I'm almost convinced there is a consensus on that and we don't need a vote.
Flaburgan · Thu 25 Jul 2013 1:39PM
I see a lot of stuff like diasporial,, addons, reshare buttons... which use diaspora branding (the asterisk, etc) and I think it could be nice to write good practices about that.