Fri 17 Jan 2014 12:59PM
Change jQuery library source
Seen by 72
Given the furore over tracking/snooping by some of the largest web companies, and Google in particular, what do you think about changing the source of our jQuery library from
I raise this because I've seen quite a few posts screaming about how Diaspora is allowing tracking of people because it enables Now this might be a misapprehension on those people's parts, but if there's no performance benefit to using Google's jQuery library over the one on jQuery's domain, I think it would be worth changing it just to avoid people getting a bad impression of Diaspora's privacy policies.
(This is assuming that Diaspora doesn't use Google APIs for anything else...)
Sean Tilley · Wed 25 Jun 2014 8:12PM
@charlesedouardcost While I absolutely agree with where you're coming from, the reality is that CDN's are necessary for the "big" pods that have lots of users and content on them. Some services, such as Heroku, don't allow you to upload images without making use of a CDN.
Currently, there isn't much of a great solution to the problem, other than encouraging potential new users to sign up at other pods. In the long run, I think this could be mitigated by supporting user data migration from one pod to another.