Brent Bartlett
Thu 13 Sep 2012 7:06PM
I think it's too early to make this decision. We should watch how things develop, and if an organization problem comes up later, then we can re-org.
Brent Bartlett
Thu 13 Sep 2012 7:07PM
I think it's too early to make this decision. We should watch how things develop, and if an organization problem comes up later, then we can re-org.
Fri 14 Sep 2012 12:35AM
Let's try it and see what happens.
altruism Thu 13 Sep 2012 10:59AM
Jonne, you get an overview of all groups and can discover what's there if you press the loomio logo.
altruism Thu 13 Sep 2012 11:05AM
Jason, you see no benefit? Look again, take some time, you have 3 days :)
Jonne Haß Thu 13 Sep 2012 11:22AM
I can get an overview of the groups I'm in. My point is that there's no overview of what's out there.
altruism Thu 13 Sep 2012 11:47AM
Steve, the proposal is to go from ONE group (as it is now) to say FOUR groups. Transforming some of the subgroups (asi it is now) to groups. From there it will be easier to organize - when we have more people here.
Jason Robinson Thu 13 Sep 2012 5:21PM
Sean, does even have a move discussion/proposal functionality?
Tried looking for this info but realized it would mean looking in to the code :)
tortoise Thu 13 Sep 2012 6:05PM
If there were a way to move things as they develop, that would be the best thing, IMHO.
How can we tell the future? I say we follow the tracks that people make and when enough people are making tracks, a path is laid. Then when we are getting too much mud on our shoes we decide to lay down cobblestone, and then with more people comes laying down asphalt, and so on and so on.
Sean Tilley Thu 13 Sep 2012 6:24PM
@Jason: I don't see any functions for it, but at the very least, I can make a strong case for it with their dev team.
tortoise Thu 13 Sep 2012 6:55PM
@Sean I think we should inquire to Loom about it!
Dave Yingling Fri 14 Sep 2012 6:57PM
It is still early days and I am ambivalent whether we try to stick it out with existing structure or try something new. Both options have advantages. Either way is fine with me. I am starting to think bettermeans is a better option, but couldn't get past the ssl waring. I know that ship has sailed.
altruism · Thu 13 Sep 2012 10:52AM
I wonder why the Loomio developers decided not to use a flat structure, with only groups and no subgroups.