Organising comedy night 17 Jan
Had a positive response from Komedia re publicising this event.
Hi Claire,
Thanks for getting in touch. I’d be happy to take some flyers and a poster to display in our venue if you have some? Also happy to retweet/share some social posts if you could tag us in them (@komediabath on facebook and twitter). We tend to steer clear of projecting a concrete political standpoint from the venue but I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t help you spread the word about your event.
Many thanks,
Ellie Rogers

Sally Long Mon 8 Jan 2018 3:34PM
Thanks Claire - have sent Komedia details via Facebook. I don't have a login to the Twitter account.

Sally Long Mon 8 Jan 2018 3:50PM
Oh that's good. Theatre Bath has shared our event on Facebook.

Sally Long Mon 8 Jan 2018 4:06PM
How are ticket sales going by the way? I've just done some more sharing of the event in some local groups but there was some talk before Christmas about some paid Facebook advertising if sales are sluggish. Not sure who is in charge of ticket sales - is it @alicehovanessian or @tonyambrose or someone else?

Alice Hovanessian Mon 8 Jan 2018 4:23PM
Thanks for checking Sally, and for your original post about advertising at Komedia Claire, that's great. We have sold 54 tickets for Comedy night 17 Jan, and only 15 tickets for Hugo Dixon. Leaflets for comedy night and Hugo Dixon should be with Mark by the end of the week, thanks to Olivia, Mark and Ben for getting these out quickly. Please do plug both events on FB Sally, both events are on the website along with eventbrite links. We will send out another e-newsletter in the next few days with these events and the latest street stall action, when details are agreed.

Sally Long Mon 8 Jan 2018 4:40PM
Thanks Alice. I have been advertising both on FB. I did a lot of plugging of Pulse last week, and have been boosting Comedy night today in various Facebook groups. I'll give Hugo a boost soonish also - but have run out of available time today. I haven't done any paid advertising for either - happy to do so if you think it necessary/we have the budget.

Alice Hovanessian Tue 9 Jan 2018 1:33PM
Thanks very much Sally, that's great. We agreed at a steering committee meeting in Dec to allocate £50 to FB advertising for comedy night (see my original post about advertising this event). Let's also include Hugo Dixon in the same ad, or separate ones if you think it would work better. Will leave it up to you, let us know if you need more funds.

Sally Long Tue 9 Jan 2018 2:18PM
Thanks Alice. I'll get onto that. I managed to get the event onto a What's on in Bath group with about 4,000 members yesterday - although the post took most of the day to approve as presumably they don't take political events. It would be interesting to see if that makes a difference to sales,
Jane Riekemann Wed 10 Jan 2018 7:19AM
I have had it as our main pinned tweet on Twitter and been promoting it daily for the past week. Not bought my tickets yet for either Comedy or Hugo. Perhaps we need to remind our lot too. Going to the Lib Dem dinner on Saturday - we should definitely promote it there.

Alison Born Wed 10 Jan 2018 8:38AM
I think there are going to be tickets for both events in the Lib Dem auction which will definitely help raise awareness.
Claire Thomas · Sat 6 Jan 2018 4:43PM
Have passed this onto Jane, Livy and Sally to tag them on FB and Twitter. Can't remember if we are getting flyers for this but if so I will drop some round to Komedia and I also have a couple of friends who run the Garrick and the King William - they have taken some OOPs flyers and would also take other flyers too.