Wed 15 Apr 2020 2:17AM

Public visibility of content

P pospi Public Seen by 7

We need to set some clear agreements around how we expect content to be made visible to external parties, as the HackMD space we set up does appear to make content visible to outsiders. Currently:

  • The team itself is not browseable unless you are a member of the group

  • Anyone (including unauthorized) can view any notes we create

  • Anyone with a HackMD account can edit any notes we create, unless the "write" permisison is specifically changed to "owners" in the document share dialog


pospi Wed 15 Apr 2020 2:34AM

For a private team & collaboration space, HackMD runs at $10/mo and $5/mo more for every additional user above 4 (5 users = $15/mo, 6 = $20 etc). So far it's just been @pospi @Emaline & @Sid Sthalekar contributing in there, so the cost seems reasonable at this stage. It does feel like the ideal would be to have a private collaborative editing space where outsiders cannot be accidentally provided access, though. Perhaps if the collective gets very large at some point we could start charging small membership fees to collectively pay our infrastructure costs.

Option 1: keep going as we are - notes aren't discoverable until they're shared, anyway. We can file things which are sensitive in nature (eg. meeting minutes) in a private sub-group here in Loomio.

Option 2: upgrade HackMD to a private paid team, go back to filing meeting minutes and other internal documents there. Less surprises as note read & write permissions are set to "owner" by default in such an account. You can still selectively open access as needed, though.

Honestly I'd be happy to continue in either direction and take on the admin work of migrating to a paid account if that's the way the crowd wants to flow. Curious to hear other's perspectives and concerns.