Wed 14 May 2014 5:10PM


KL Kate Lebedeff Public Seen by 216

The Association does not pay for services, and everybody here contributes within his/her free time. This is the general rule. At the same time there will be some exceptions, and it is these on which we must have a common vision.

When should the association pay for services?

  • When the service provided is necessary for association legal or operational reasons and there is no volunteer with the ability or professional qualification to undertake the task.
  • When the service involves an important responsibility, such as presence and actions within/at certain times, which must be guaranteed (and where people contributing only their free time are unable to meet).
  • When existing contributors do not have the necessary breadth of knowledge, experience or skills (for example legal or accounting service)
  • When the service required is of major importance to the distribution.

Other expenses

The Association via the council are responsible for making best possible choices for the disbursement of funds donated by our sponsors, maecenas and donators, and for maintaining the value and availability of the assets (the OMA distribution) entrusted to them (the Council) on behalf of the community. This responsibility includes making the best possible use of the assets available and ensuring the greatest benefit from the available financial resources for the distribution and the community.

Furthermore, the Association, through the Council, pledge to use part of the money to facilitate, encourage and maintain the participation of members to the association purpose, to keep solidarity, commitment and good atmosphere at a high level. This by means which will be determined over time and depending on circumstancies, in respect of 1901 Non Profit Association spirit and French Law.


Kate Lebedeff Thu 15 May 2014 3:55PM

by bailiff?
OK, let's imagine as an example, we have a contest "best coder of the month" where amount and quality are judged by TC under certain rules.
Is this OK?


Kate Lebedeff Thu 15 May 2014 6:08PM

I suggest we just then change wording to "all of the above to be done in full accordance with the law", and then we decide how to proceed on a case by case basis


Raphaël Jadot Thu 15 May 2014 7:25PM

@katelebedeff I would rather reformulate, as something like this:
We pledge to use part of the money to facilitate, encourage and maintain the participation of members to the association purpose, to keep solidarity, commitment and good atmosphere at a high level. This by means which will be determined over time and depending on circumstancies, in respect of 1901 Non Profit Association spirit and French Law.


Kate Lebedeff Thu 15 May 2014 7:26PM

@raphaeljadot no objections from my side


Raphaël Jadot Thu 15 May 2014 7:51PM

@katelebedeff great :) I tried to keep all your ideas and mine in a same sentence.

Do you agree if I reopen the poll with new formulation?


Kate Lebedeff Thu 15 May 2014 7:58PM

sure we can reopen, but we can also just leave like is - from comments the change is clear
up to you:)
@raphaeljadot @anuragbhandari


Raphaël Jadot Thu 15 May 2014 8:13PM

just wanted to be sure that @denissilakov and @bernhardrosenkranz who already voted does still agree with the reformulation :)


Denis Silakov Thu 15 May 2014 8:18PM

This is fine for me.


Colin Close Fri 16 May 2014 9:03AM

I think it would be worth trying to find out what the position is internationally. i.e. are payments made outside France subject to French law and if so to what extent.
I'm generally in agreement though. The new wording still allows sufficient flexibility to be able to do most of what was in the original statement.


Wayne Sallee Fri 16 May 2014 9:51PM

It would have been better if we had continued our discussion in the council mailing list rather than for this to be quickly sent to a poll before the discussion was threshed out.

Wayne Sallee
[email protected]


Bernhard Rosenkränzer Sun 18 May 2014 1:36PM

FWIW, still agree, even like the reformulated version better