Thu 15 Jan 2015 3:41PM

Green Town Labs 1-15-15

MM Mike McLaughlin Public Seen by 97

What policies would you like to see enacted?


Mike McLaughlin Thu 15 Jan 2015 5:52PM

Infrastructure - state wide guidelines to expedite permitting
Transportation - other sources of revenue and supporting those; carbon tax bill
3d printing - gun control, bit coin, uber - how to regulate things that seem subversive. promote technologies while creating regulation and fairness.

How railroads are being inspected - compliance requires 2x per week, but have achieved nothing. Could use robotics. updating regulations to adapt to new technology. crazy things in government to update.

what are we for, vs against. tax breaks for hiring youth or disadvantaged youth in to entry positions. encouraging employment in tech community.

connection to education departmnet - getting in to schools to help students realize start-ups happening around them.


David Perelman Thu 15 Jan 2015 5:53PM

-Expand public access to business related software, (I.e. Grow and sustain public libraries and computer centers.)

-Set guidelines to expedite the local permitting process for licensing and development.

-Transportation improvements. Fund it with a carbon tax, which will also promote clean tech.


Mike McLaughlin Thu 15 Jan 2015 6:07PM

GtL - Local pilots

Czar - needs to be fed from all aspects of economy
Boston i snot just software

quasi-government agency focused on start-ups

lcarifying agenda - Inno Dist is lawyers. Keep it focused. Affordable space that is ot new hampshire. hardware needs more space. What's after greentown? Ex Brewerie.

Regional Netwrok - closing the cluster. Having a complete cluster. Not all of the companies from the industries we lead on are located here. Business Development to bring them here.

Inspiration vs Innovation ... bringing kids and people to visist the innovation spaces. Doing a candidate tour.

Why are start-up jobs as valuable as traditional jobs? conveying that.