I made a subgroup for Advice Processes...
Decision: moved APs back to main Northern Regional group because the tech is new for lots of people, keep it simple
Decision made: 04 April 22
By: Fran
I like to be organised so I took the liberty of making a subgroup specifically for advice processes. HOWEVER, I can only tell people that by inviting them 1 by 1...
Shall I do that, or delete it? Or promote it? Any...advice?
Link to the subgroup: https://www.loomio.org/northern-regional-advice-processes/
It's closed so that members of public cannot see it without joining. But, all members of Northern Regional Loomio can see it, the things in there, and request to join. Any member of the subgroup can add other members of Northern Regional. (I basically activated all permissions. Ask if you wanna know the rest!)
Emily H Thu 31 Mar 2022 3:00PM
i am torn btwn my love of organising and finding it a bit complex ;] i reckon keep it as it was for now and perhaps consider using subgroups next time? i have had a recent discussion with someone who said that digital complexity is a barrier for their participation so i reckon keep this onion with as few layers as poss for now and maybe think about how we can get around all that stuff next year in more detail?

Sam Lee Thu 31 Mar 2022 9:11PM
I don't love it. I think we just need to be better at cleaning up our threads by setting clear dates and closing the thread when done. Lot's of peoples 1st try at them though so I think it's gone well so far
Deleted account Mon 4 Apr 2022 6:44AM
Ok heeding your advice and moving everything back...for now 😏
Allan · Thu 31 Mar 2022 8:28AM
I spotted that APs had been moved & that I had to join the group to get access to them. I have to say I'm not keen on putting them all away somewhere that's not obvious, at least at this point. After the burn is done & we're getting ready for Celtic Burn 2023 I think that'd be a good point to move & organise them separately in an archive separate from the front, main page.
Right now, I think APs - our decisions and how we've arrived at them - should be visible for anyone going on the group. I wrote a bit for the thrival guide saying all our decisions are openly made & documented, free for people to review and see the background, so making them more hidden (though I know that's not the intention) seems like a step backwards.