Protocols: Loomio

A place to collect choices we make on how we communicate, collaborate and signal on Loomio.

Ronen Hirsch Fri 4 Dec 2020 11:57AM
Well Being Signals
Origin: a sequence of signals from Alex and Josh about availability.
Context: when we touch on something that vibes between us it can lead to long written exchanges that seem to usually be divergent without a convergent tail. Maybe sometimes it is better BECAUSE something IS vibing deeply, NOT to contribute to the divergence? to stay silent? Better in the sense of both the unfolding wholeness (staying focused on what the processed needs instead of what I want to say) and the well-being of the crew (reducing the demands on attention)?
If you feel there is much to be said but are choosing silence in service of the unfolding and the well-being of the crew leave a reaction 🎇 (sparkler) ... acknowledging that the shared vibration and aliveness have been felt and not ignored.
If you feel that alongside the silence there is a wish in you to make time in the future to dig deeper into this then leave a reaction 📌 (pushpin) ...and, if you want to, add a note about the subject in the thread of seeds for future conversations ... please remember that placing it there is implicitly saying to the other crew members "I don't expect you to look at this any time soon"
Toni Blanco Thu 22 Jul 2021 10:51AM
I designed and printed this "poster" initially for myself, and I make it available to the crew, as a part of our potential shared material culture.
Ronen Hirsch · Fri 27 Nov 2020 10:45AM
Flow Signals
Origin: This set of signal-agreements emerged from our conversation about flow.
Context: I read something on a Loomio thread, I have things I want to say and I don't have the bandwidth to express them in writing right now, so I am leaving a signal to indicate (1) that I am present and (2) in what direction my mind and heart are pointing and (3) I am aware and support the conversation moving forward without me.
If you feel you want to say something but don't have space to say it, leave a reaction ⌛(hourglass) indicating you are attentive but need time.
If you like where the conversation is heading and want to indicate that you are listening and to encourage that it continues even in your absence leave a reaction: 🎧 (headphones) indicating I am listening and I like what I am hearing.
If you feel you have something critical to say but do not have space to say it, leave a reaction: 🍄 (mushroom) indicating mycelial-wisdom :)
If you feel the conversation is heading in a wrong direction, but do not have space to elaborate, leave a reaction: 💔 (broken heart) indicating ... well ... I will feel heartbroken if we go down this path.
If you are in a flowing conversation and feel input from someone is missing get on discord and signal them ... letting them know you would like their input.