Reducing plasticware waste

Most people only use one utensil out of the ones provided, and throw out the other utensils, napkin, and wrapper.
We could pretty easily use a tiny amount of money to buy a yuge number of plastic forks ($5/kilofork:,
buy a less yuge amount of reusable flatware to stock in braintree's silverware drawer ($18.84/gross:
Similar for plates/napkins.
This saves the caterer a few cents, and makes the feeding experience a little smoother.

Steve Ediger (ChiCommons) Fri 1 Jul 2016 10:14PM
Or we could encourage people to bring their own flatware. I'll start keeping a spork in my backpack.
Steve Ediger773-920-7350 (google voice)
505-426-7088 (mobile)

Derek Eder Wed 13 Jul 2016 2:06AM
I can also ask Adam Forsyth at Braintree if we can use their utensils. This would be a lot less overhead & cost.

Andrew Rasmussen Wed 13 Jul 2016 2:09AM
That would make sense; it always seems like there aren't many around but there could be a bigger stash.

Derek Eder Wed 13 Jul 2016 4:09AM
Ok I asked Adam. Waiting to hear back.

Derek Eder Wed 13 Jul 2016 2:40PM
Response from Adam from Braintree:
"Sorry, not possible. We're even moving away from using washable stuff during the day because of the labor involved. It's not ideal, but nothing to be done about it."
We'll have to look for another solution.

Joel Inwood Wed 13 Jul 2016 3:27PM
Just putting this out there, what if we just went with 100% finger foods.
Eve Tulbert Fri 23 Sep 2016 9:53AM
Let's promote a spork carrying movement! Andy abs Steve, I will do this with you!
Also, we could ask Irazu to use a aluminum pan for rice and plantains, Cut down on non recyclable styrofoam?
Eric Sherman · Wed 29 Jun 2016 3:45AM