What is Diaspora? - Copy-Editing, Design, and Code

I want to create a solid explanation page that demonstrates what Diaspora is all about, why it's important, and maybe answer a few other questions. I'd love some help in putting together something really nice. :)
The first thing we should really think about with this page is: What is Diaspora all about? What kind of things do we want to say to a person that might have no idea about how Diaspora works, what it even is, or why they should give it a try.
Ideally, a simple "scroll-to-question" format seems like an easy and appealing way to go. I'd love to see some ideas about use of pictures, graphs, etc. We should make it very easy to understand what Diaspora is, show off what it looks like, and explain how it works.
Ideally, it would be really nice to make use of a little jQuery so that clicking on some links in the sidebar would use smooth-scrolling to navigate to specific anchored text. (Ex., clicking "What is Diaspora?" in a sidebar would smoothly scroll down to "What is Diaspora?" on the page.)
Currently, none of the Drupal 7 modules are all that great, and I don't have the most experience with getting jQuery plugins set up, so I would love some help with making such scrolling work.