Thu 28 Aug 2014 4:57PM

Safety for cyclists in the city

MG Myles Green Public Seen by 39

Whangarei has great potential to be a great cycling city. Cycling and in particular commuter cycling has many benefits for all in our community. Those benefits include improved air quality for everyone, improved health for those cycling, community building through spontaneous interaction with people on the streets.

Do you agree?


Clare Terwiel Wed 3 Sep 2014 10:02AM

Good idea especially if associated with a cycle path to the "other" shopping centres particularly Okara park to connect them better to the CBD.


Joe Crowley Fri 19 Sep 2014 1:50AM

Great idea. The CBD can be pretty frightening on a bike. Bikes can be pushed onto the side walk also which wins no friends with pedestrians. Definately support a move to get a reduction in vehicle speed.


James Bellamy Sun 28 Sep 2014 8:54PM

Is it worth getting out for a media/publicity stunt on this, with the aim and focus being to start to get it discussed in the public realm. These processes can take a long time, so lets get it talked about on the street and in the chambers. Maybe we could all get together with prams, bikes, skateboards, walking shoes etc etc and highlighting the potential of this fantastic idea to the media machine. The media love these types of stories.