Mon 13 Jul 2015 11:59PM

Well then, we really stuck with this... But, I have a thought

KB Kyle Browning Public Seen by 167

What do you guys think of slack chat? I joined a slack chat group and it seems really useful, far more useful than irc, especially given few members.

It's more like a real time forum. When you log in, you can see all the posts that have ever been made (and you can have subchannels to keep things separate), but posts update as people make them.


brian Sun 19 Jul 2015 2:00AM

This post https://np.reddit.com/r/ModelUSGov/comments/3domgs/teamspeak_server/ got me thinking about this initiative. I wonder how different the conversation could be if we used voice chat. It would clearly have different use cases and its own unique ways to stay on topic. there wouldn't be really official records, maybe mp3s if lucky or wanted. I agree that something like telegram is needed for private chat but there is also voice and video and other media.


Kyle Browning Sun 19 Jul 2015 3:47AM

I like the idea of audio chat, and would use it occasionally, but I often find myself in situations that would make it inconvenient or odd to start talking to random people on the internet.

Still, I'd be for it. It'd probably get less use than a text based chat though.


Jack Duncan Sun 19 Jul 2015 3:51PM

Audio chat would be pretty much inaccessible for me.

And I've started fiddling around with telegraph. I'll have to learn how to make a bot but for now, just add DuncantheWonderDog on telegraph and I'll add you to the group.

Brain, from my reading, it seems that you do need a phone number, but you could get around that by getting a number from Google or some other similar services. Then once the account is created, you can add an username to it and others can find you with that.