Mon 13 Jul 2015 11:59PM

Well then, we really stuck with this... But, I have a thought

KB Kyle Browning Public Seen by 167

What do you guys think of slack chat? I joined a slack chat group and it seems really useful, far more useful than irc, especially given few members.

It's more like a real time forum. When you log in, you can see all the posts that have ever been made (and you can have subchannels to keep things separate), but posts update as people make them.


Anders Tue 14 Jul 2015 11:41PM

Slack is a commercial platform not concerned with decentralization, NSA-proofing, etc. so I don't think it's a step up from reddit, except that paying for a platform, they wouldn't censor us.


Kyle Browning Thu 16 Jul 2015 12:24AM

Ah, I wasn't aware of that. It is a rather pleasant interface though, lol.

I wasn't thinking of it as a reddit replacement, but more of an irc substitute. Didn't realize you had to pay for it, but it makes since that you do.


Jack Duncan Thu 16 Jul 2015 1:25AM

Yeah, a member suggested Slack too. Looking at it, it does look fun and stuff, but then again, the free candy vans look fun and stuff too.

We need to just grind our teeth and set up a telegraph channel and deal with all of the troubleshooting (and thinking too, Brian) that goes with it. Weekend project for me, probably.


Poll Created Thu 16 Jul 2015 1:26AM

Create a Telegraph channel to replace sots IRC. Closed Sun 19 Jul 2015 4:07AM


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 66.7% 2 JD KB
Abstain 33.3% 1 B
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 3 J S A

3 of 6 people have participated (50%)


Jack Duncan
Thu 16 Jul 2015 1:27AM

Because it seems that it'd be easier to be active with telegram. Plus action.


Kyle Browning
Sat 18 Jul 2015 4:22AM

Why not? Seems like a good enough idea.


Sat 18 Jul 2015 5:54AM

Does telegram require a cell phone number? I had to use mine to sign up. Anyone know how telegram is decentralized exactly? Can it have anonymous?


Kyle Browning Fri 17 Jul 2015 2:46PM

I don't know know what telegram is. I hope I don't need to go buy a telegraph to use it though. My morse code is a little rusty.

At this point the vote is unanimous though! ...


Jack Duncan Fri 17 Jul 2015 5:18PM

There's a link with the proposal!



Kyle Browning Fri 17 Jul 2015 10:36PM

Oh, lol... Looks cool. I'm not very picky to be honest.

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