FETSE (Emes Higher Education Project)

This is a mesage from rocio.nogales@emes.net about their plans for a Higher Education network. EMES see social cooperatives as their 'pole star' for social enterprise. Have a read and share your thoughts.
Best wishes
I'm sending you this quick message just to follow up on the conversation we had in the corridor during our last conference about giving a push to FETSE, a great initiative that we have had to leave in the back for a while due to a lack of specific resources.
I'm sharing with you the message that I received from a Canadian colleague to contribute to a project of theirs to promote Social and Solidarity Economy studies. I do receive notices and messages like this one very often, so I would like to restate the ripeness if the current moment to take a global leadership role in training and education on SE.
I'd suggest to start a conversation together with the FETSE Steering Committee (composed of Lars Hulgård, Benjamin Huybrechts, Ilana Gorz Bodini, Sílvia Ferreira and myself) in mid-September once we are back. In the meantime, since some of you will be seeing each other in person at different occasions, please feel free to brainstorm ideas on how to move forward.
Best wishes for the rest of the summer.
Rob Chaves · Sat 30 Apr 2022 4:20PM
Great projct!