Mon 18 Sep 2023 3:11AM

Flagging spammers

DS Danyl Strype Public Seen by 198

The Open App Ecosystem group has recently been afflicted by a spam account using the name "Sofia Blum", which has added the same comment and linkspam to a number of public threads in our group. Using existing tools, group admins can delete the spam and remove the spam account from the group. But I can't find a way to report the spammer to the loomio.com admins, so the account itself can be deleted.

Have I missed something hiding in plain sight? Or is this a feature that needs to be added to the UI?

Also, I can't see a way to remove an account from the group and remove all their posts. In the case of a linkspammer like this, that would save me a lot of work manually digging through all our threads removing their spam.


Robert Guthrie Mon 18 Sep 2023 9:18PM

Sorry about this. @Danyl Strype - No, you've not missed anything. We have a delete user function within our (Loomio staff only) admin interface. There isn't any report user function, sorry.

Please report this stuff directly to the "Contact Support" link in the sidebar and we'll delete it.

Please also ensure that you only accept membership requests from people who write something convincing in their membership request.


Danyl Strype Sat 23 Sep 2023 2:32AM

@Robert Guthrie

Please report this stuff directly to the "Contact Support" link in the sidebar and we'll delete it.

Thanks, good to know. But it seems like adding a 'delete spammer' feature would save teams running Loomio instances from losing a bunch of time to ongoing spam removal work. A delete spammer tool could;

  • remove the spammer from the group

  • hide all their posts to that group - deleted from the POV of group members, but still visible to instance admins

  • flag the account, so instance admins have the option to review a few of the hidden posts, and delete the account and all its posts if necessary


Robert Guthrie Mon 25 Sep 2023 7:41AM

@Danyl Strype yes, thanks - we have a delete spam tool for site admins already - that's what we use when people report issues.


Danyl Strype Mon 25 Sep 2023 11:02AM

@Robert Guthrie

we have a delete spam tool for site admins already - that's what we use when people report issues.

Of course. I'm suggesting a one-click spam clean-up tool for group admins.


Robert Guthrie Mon 25 Sep 2023 9:19PM

@Danyl Strype oh ok. Well it's not my priority right now - most groups are private and invite only anyway. Much less effort to just delete upon report given the volume of spam. Maybe someone else wants to work on that though!