Promotional and Educational Material

We're going to need to develop a few resources as we build towards the sprints in April/May 2016.

William Mckee Fri 6 Nov 2015 3:28AM
I am willing to help with some of these. Namely the website.
Of course you are welcome to use any of my artworks for the poster and such.
With the website I have been building static sites with Python and Nikola. These are mainly made for blogs but can work find for static information websites.
An example of this I have been working on is for my Mothers yoga work.

Dave Koelmeyer Fri 6 Nov 2015 3:42AM
Ramping up activity on social networks might be a good idea too (Twitter, Facebook, et al).

Matt McGregor Fri 6 Nov 2015 3:53AM
Good idea, Dave - we'll aim to do that for the remainder of the year. We've got a few dozen expressions of interest, though we'll obviously want a heck of a lot more.
William - that's awesome. I'll get some shared docs started, and we can get started.

Matt McGregor Tue 10 Nov 2015 11:09PM
Hi all - would folks mind if we put together a quick launch website using a wordpress event template, as well as a poster with similar design? We have a designer we're working with on other stuff, who can put together something pretty and functional for us all. @williammckee, I might ask you to help with the guides rather than the website, if that's ok?

William Mckee Tue 10 Nov 2015 11:23PM
Hi Matt. That is fine. Let me know about anything you need a hand with.

Matt McGregor Tue 24 Nov 2015 11:27PM
The bare bones of a guide for people on the day is here:
I'll continue to chip away at it - others are more than welcome to do so as well!

Matt McGregor Fri 4 Dec 2015 4:24AM
Hey all - draft website is up here:
We're just waiting on a logo, and then we add a header to the site and be good to go.
If we want to change the website later (move away from wordpress, etc), that's totally fine. The content is pretty simple, and easy to export.
Deleted account Tue 8 Dec 2015 8:54AM
Looking good so far!
Melita Tue 8 Dec 2015 8:29PM
Hi everyone - thanks for all the hard work - the website looks great! Is it ready to be shared yet?
Matt McGregor · Fri 6 Nov 2015 1:10AM
We're going to need: