Project: Open Access to Research Policies

This thread will provide updates to our work with government, research funders and research organisations in advance of open access to research policies.

Matt McGregor Thu 29 Oct 2015 11:27PM
We've also recently approached the Health Research Council, which are considering an introductory memo on OA.
Deleted account Fri 30 Oct 2015 2:01AM
I've just seen this:
On 29 Oct. the US Dept. of Ed announced that it wants all copyrightable #IP created with Dept. grant funds to have an open license.

Matt McGregor Fri 30 Oct 2015 2:05AM
Creative Commons US and SPARC have been doing some great work advocating for OER. They also have made a committment to OER in their Open Government Partnership Action Plan:
Deleted account Fri 30 Oct 2015 2:34AM
Thanks, Matt. I just shared this on Twitter.

Matt McGregor Wed 18 Nov 2015 12:42AM
We've approached MBIE on OA again, and have been asked to approach them again in early 2016. I've shared with them an introductory memo to OA, as well as a template policy for research funders.
On that note, I'll aim to add these to our site before the end of the year.

Danyl Strype Tue 10 May 2016 5:28AM
Is there any follow-up going on with MBIE yet? Would be great to strike while the iron is hot with that one ;)

Matt McGregor Mon 15 Feb 2016 11:42PM
I'm meeting with someone from the Health Research Council in Auckland shortly, though there are no committments from them as yet.
Matt McGregor · Thu 29 Oct 2015 11:26PM
For the last eighteen months, we've been submitting papers and advice to the Marsden Fund Council on an open access policy. This includes introductions to open access, institutional repositories, APCs, international policy adoption, licensing and a range of other relevant issues. We've also produced several case studies to model the likely costs of implementation, and drafted a few template policies.