Recomendations to the PNC - Threshold
What, if any, should be the required amount of votes to recommend a policy, or other, proposal to the PNC and State Parties.
Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:35AM
We should obviously have a Quorum to Ratify. BUT this looks like it requires 100% Quorum, which could be hard to reach. Ill post a bit more in the thread.
Zacqary Adam Green
Wed 24 Apr 2013 7:18AM
The need to ratify a single platform for everyone is completely artificial. Just publish all the varying positions along with statistics on how many members support them. This party is supposed to celebrate diversity, not stamp it out.
Nick Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:22AM
Lindsay, an easy trick to remembering what is left and right is making a right angle with your thumb and pointer finger on both hands then holding them up. The one that looks like an L is the left. The other is the side with the voting chart.
Lindsay-Anne Gorski Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:24AM
Nick, you know what I meant -.-
Alex M (Coyo) Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:29AM
just in case it was unclear, my suggestion for requiring a quorum to ratify major policies for the pnc was within the context of suggestions to compile into a summary outline to be linked to #pnc at the next general assembly.
Nick Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:37AM
We should obviously have a Quorum to Ratify. BUT this looks like it requires 100% Quorum, which could be hard to reach. Perhaps this could be fixed by doing the voting online over, say, a weeks time? In which case we would need to coordinate with all the states to get emails for members... which could lengthen the process as they make necessary changes (or ask permission) to allow them to pass on emails to the PNC.
Lindsay-Anne Gorski Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:42AM
Considering PNC is biweekly, it may be doable. 100% Quorum is an extremely high rate, but I'm sure pestering everyone to vote a few times over the week would do.
Nick Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:45AM
It says "all registered pirate party members"
Lindsay-Anne Gorski Wed 24 Apr 2013 5:53AM
Uhm.. I thought he meant the ones on Loomio.
In that case, there's no way that's going to happen. One state didn't keep track of their membership at all, and at last check had ~160 people. What of those who aren't registered Pirate because the state doesn't recognize Pirate as a party/designation?
Alex M (Coyo) Wed 24 Apr 2013 7:22AM
fair enough.
Zacqary Adam Green Wed 24 Apr 2013 8:01AM
To elaborate: working groups can write documents expressing beliefs, support for policies, etc. They can go on a website, where people can upvote them or downvote them. Above a certain threshold, a platform point gets put on the "front page" of that particular topic.
Like, let's say we have a page about what the Pirate Party thinks of copyright. The abolitionist caucus writes its brief, and all the abolitionists +1 that. Then the reformists all -1 that, and write their dissenting brief. So both opinions go up there, marked as having a 70%/30% split, or whatever it turns out to be. And then one guy comes in and writes a kooky post about copyright maximalism, and everyone downvotes it and nobody agrees with it, and it stays buried.
Nick Wed 24 Apr 2013 8:23AM
Back to the original intent of this thread...
Anyone have ideas for an approval percentage to officially "Recommend" a Proposal in the Pirate Underground? Im still thinking individuals who disagree with the outcome can simply go to the PNC meetings to make sure their voice is heard. And if not, the PNC can always look here to see why people disagreed on proposals anyways. Of course, its up to the people of the Underground.
Alex M (Coyo) Wed 24 Apr 2013 8:29AM
sounds fine with me.
Lindsay-Anne Gorski · Wed 24 Apr 2013 4:41AM
Well, the vote to the left gives a percentage of who voted what.. so I dunno. Maybe?