Thunderclap New Year's campaign
With Facebook changing its ToS once again, I think there is great momentum around the 1st of January to get people to check out Diaspora. We should use this opportunity and I suggest starting a thunderclap campaign that hits around New Year's!
I am willing to set it up but would love your help with creating the draft :-)
If we're doing this, we need to go about it pretty fast, so we have some time to get the thing viral amoung all diasporians who still own Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr accounts.
So let's do some brainstorming here!

jakobdee Sun 7 Dec 2014 5:58PM
just keep thinking of animated exploding snowdrops (for Yule) that contain dandelion seeds expanding across a webpage - like the old Microsoft easter eggs? .. the dandelion seed is the visual ploy ... certainly beats a blue F ;)

jakobdee Sun 7 Dec 2014 6:00PM
nice for a follow-up in February for Valentines Day - they love me - they love me not

jakobdee Sun 7 Dec 2014 6:03PM
lastly not a love of negative campaigning .. but this might grease the drafting wheels :)
sumimasen Sun 7 Dec 2014 6:16PM
@jakobdee are you capable of creating such animations?

jakobdee Sun 7 Dec 2014 6:24PM
my coding skills are undisciplined o_0 ... but i am looking into AMOR ... see how i can modify it for posting on webpage ... and if it would work

jakobdee Sun 7 Dec 2014 6:32PM
@sumimasen i know how you feel ... its trying to see the macrocosm to affect the microcosm .. and the importance of confidence ;) ... but most just go for it - accepting falling 50 meters probably isnt a good idea .. but most land like a cat ;) ... i just get frustrated at my lack of knowledge .. this is also something i can do things about :)

jakobdee Sun 7 Dec 2014 6:44PM
@sumimasen lol ... if that doesnt compel you to switch or switch off ... a psychiatrist may be required 0_0 .... or you ARE a psychiatrist ;p
riderplus Sun 7 Dec 2014 6:47PM
LOL @jakobdee @sumimasen No, he already switched, he's just using facebook to promote diaspora* :P
jakobdee · Sun 7 Dec 2014 5:52PM
some grist for the mill