Sat 14 Aug 2021 10:41PM

e-NABLE Device Catalog Re-organization and Re-design

AE Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Public Seen by 115

Engineers and makers of the community would benefit from a more visual means of exploring the devices, and more details relevant to structure and mechanisms of the unique devices available. I propose a funding opportunity to update the Device Catalog.

Here is my bareboned proposal, all ideas and suggestions are welcome! My aim is to try to improve the experience of future engineers that join the community, and make better use of their time.



Bob Rieger Mon 16 Aug 2021 2:12PM

Here is my recommendation, Alexander. If you are estimating a month of work, I think you should ask for an amount, based upon deliverables, not to exceed $4500 total. This gives you additional funds available if the work turns out to take longer than expected.


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Wed 18 Aug 2021 11:10AM

I've updated the proposal to divide the deliverables in Parts 1 2 and 3. How about $3000 total, as $1000 per part? (which then can be divided per each point in the list) If it takes longer than a month, that's my issue alone, and I need to learn from it. I've made the estimations fully knowing it might take longer, and thinking of the worst case scenario to still be feasible. Does that sound reasonable as cost?


Jon Schull Thu 19 Aug 2021 5:48PM

This will be a good investment by the community and a good way for us to help Alexander become even more useful to the. community. I look forward to voting for it!


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Thu 19 Aug 2021 8:03PM

if nothing else pops up to be solved, I suppose I'll need I'll need to make a comment on here on monday, as a proposal, and have it voted on, right?


Jon Schull Thu 19 Aug 2021 9:24PM



Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Mon 23 Aug 2021 12:05PM

does that proposal ping everyone or did I miss a button?


Magi Fri 20 Aug 2021 12:55PM

@Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) It looks like you have thoroughly researched this and I, too, believe it would be a useful addition to our resources!


Poll Created Mon 23 Aug 2021 12:04PM

e-NABLE Device Catalog Re-organization and Re-design Closed Sun 29 Aug 2021 11:04AM

by Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Tue 31 Aug 2021 11:41AM

The proposal passed with 22 agree and 3 abstain.

Part 1 of the proposal will deal with preparing lists of what an engineer and maker would like to see on any device, as well as making a template for devices

Part 2 will deal with making the visual dashboard and implementing the template for some if not most devices

Part 3 will be setting up spaces for future work of students, engineers and makers to add to the community.

Please feel free to leave suggestions and comments!

I'll update this thread once the work is done, and I'd love to get everyone's feedback on the changes!


The proposal is linked in the description, up top.

Key elements:

  • duration: about 1 month

  • pay: 3000 dollars, split in 3 deliverable parts

  • !! only the deliverable section is to be done, "future possibilities" is not included.


Results Option % of points Voters
Abstain 12.0% 3 KB RB WH
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

25 of 171 people have participated (14%)


Jon Schull
Mon 23 Aug 2021 8:21PM

This will be a great thing for the community and will help us sustain Alexander, who has rapidly become a major resource!


Ward Holloway
Mon 23 Aug 2021 8:18PM

I have not been with e-Nable long enough to make an educated decision.


Adam Armfield
Mon 23 Aug 2021 8:18PM

Not sure what problem this is solving. The enabling the furture page used to have a page with all the devices listed with fotos and videos of the build. It looks like it has been pulled from the top menu on the landing page but can be found here: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/overview/list-categories . Not disagreeing but abstaining at this stage as i cant see the value (then again we work in Colombian pesos and US$3k is clsoe to an annual (minimal) salary for a student so maybe ive lost perspective with US funds and return on investment.)


Mon 23 Aug 2021 8:18PM

Alexander has been engaged in almost every level of our public communty activities and regular meet-upssince he joined the Hub. His workshop and new design series have been appreciated contributions and he continues to search for way to be involved and improve resources.

I would suggest a more realistic timeline. Best to under promise & over deliver. I'd put the duration at 3 months, aim for 1 month quietly and accept the likely 2 months, while still being ahead. Bravo on patiently working through iterations of your concepts and being open for feedback.

I'm looking forward to following this project and collaborating ahead!


Leland Green
Mon 23 Aug 2021 8:18PM

I think this is a great idea and will help the entire community. ❤️


Donna Zimmerman
Mon 23 Aug 2021 8:18PM

I was planning to abstain because I didn't see how yet another page showing devices was going to help. But your bluntness in answering Adam Armfield (thank you) in pointing out what is missing is spot on. We are a community and thus no one is the boss. However, engineers want to solve problems and work on things that matter. I tried to get a repository for test results previously and got minimal response. I would be glad to share with you what I have so we can help guide volunteers to work that will make a difference.


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Mon 23 Aug 2021 10:19PM

@Adam Armfield I might have been poorly explaining the thing, so I'll try to be more specific, sorry if it comes out as too blunt. Firstly, US$3k is just above the minimum wage for a graduate robotics engineer in UK, where I graduated. Secondly, it's supposed to cover the project, it's not per month. I need to survive for whatever time I need to complete the tasks, which might easily be 2 full-time months of work.

As for the explanation. I have been "playing" on the Hub for the last 8 months. Except for the last week, I believe you'll find I have liked and commented on nearly all posts from the past many moons, trying to get involved and help as much as possible wherever I can. I am however an engineer firstly, and I like to believe I have quite a bit of skill and experience for my age.

From my point, the Hub is really really bad at welcoming engineers, and even more so at keeping them interested. Engineers come on the hub, figure out the community ain't doing anything serious, and get back to their life. Jon has quite a bit of experience for that. That happens due to 2 reasons: there is no leadership, no one to ask and to promptly respond with a very specific task that needs doing; and there is no engineer friendly description of the devices, or easy way to navigate. if I need 10-20 minutes in the device list, just to figure out the one device I actually wanted to check out, I'm better off designing my own separately and forgetting about the Hub. and the fact that you need to build the devices in order to figure out BASIC specifications and data about them is INCONCEIVABLE. no datasheets, no specs, no nothing. As a mere student I find this really unprofessional, I shudder to think what real engineers would think of this.

Put it this way. for all my time here, I have only been given hints to what might be needed, even when I asked specifically the community with polls. Nobody knows what needs to be done, and nobody wants to take the responsibility: not for making a better environment, not for leading. Well I am holding on with my teeth to this Hub until we either get that, or I do it myself in some other way. Call me stubborn, but I am yet to learn how to give up.

Finally, the point of the project is to be a first step for something bigger, and prove to the community that I really am useful. The final aim is, in my vision, to start orienting the Hub into doing proper research into prosthetics, and achieve more of it's potential. 1/3 of the people here are educators and university students, and yet most of the work done around here is just redoing other's work, because it wasn't shared in a systematic manner. And the other 2/3 are either passionate people or professionally relevant people. And we are wasting their time, instead of using everyone efficiently. I am an engineer, and I enjoy the most the design and test part, the pure research. However, faced with the option to become a 'leader' or 'community advisor' for the R&D side of things, if no one else will take it, then I will step up with pleasure.

I apologize if this came off too gritty or blunt :) Maybe it's the hour (1am here) maybe it's the open culture that I come from. I really like the Hub and the entire e-nable initiative, and I've been spending the last 3 months working or thinking at the hub and prosthetics for most of every single day. This project is also an excuse to find a way to support myself while dedicating even more time towards these goals.


Adam Armfield Mon 23 Aug 2021 10:36PM

Thanks for explaining. We as a team have not been engaging much with the hub thsi year though we have made some new designs and mods to current designs which we will be sharing shortly. Im sure our engineers would find your suggestions useful. Ill be changing my vote to approve.


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Mon 23 Aug 2021 10:41PM

thanks so much :) again, sorry if it came off a bit brutal!


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Tue 24 Aug 2021 10:25AM

It would appear the loomio page is slightly bugged, the issue is still unknown, let me know if you see this message and you might have a solution. The page blanks quite a bit of itself, and is missing certain comments.


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Tue 31 Aug 2021 11:43AM

@Donna Zimmerman you've mentioned something about a repository for test results? Anything I can do to help? What was that meant to end up as?


Donna Zimmerman Tue 31 Aug 2021 6:20PM

Hello Alexander,

I worked with Maria Esquela and set up on the Enable Alliance Website to call for tests. Look here
https://enablealliance.org/ under “get involved”. I put a couple requests there for people to test hands under particular parameters and share their results. I requested that people fill out a form in order to share
data that they had taken. Unfortunately, other than the examples that Eric Bubar and I put on there, no one submitted any data. Perhaps no one could find this link?

Please let me know what else I can answer.

Donna Zimmerman

Department Chair, Advanced Automation and Robotics Technology and Industrial Technology

Ivy Tech Community College

3501 First Avenue

Evansville, Indiana 47710

(812)429-1468 ( tel:%28812%29429-1468 )

https://ivytech.zoom.us/j/8202952613 by appointment

Latest Ivy Tech COVID information https://www.ivytech.edu/coronavirus.html



Leland Green Wed 1 Sep 2021 11:48AM

Donna and Alex,

I'm not sure what's going on, but when I go to https://enablealliance.org/ I giet this warning from my malware protection:

2021-09-01 06_24_05.jpg

Maybe that's why more people haven't used it? This is the first time I've seen a site blocked like this.

Note I'm emailing this... I could post if you'd like. I wonder if anybody else has problems???



Donna Zimmerman Wed 1 Sep 2021 11:51AM

Thank you Leland. I will look into it.

Donna Zimmerman


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Thu 7 Oct 2021 7:48PM

Part 1 is finally finished. I am in the middle of a mental health month long break, but I wanted to scratch this off for a while.

Links and what they contain:

https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=Designs+awaiting+approval+and+test+builds - category of designs awaiting approval and page tests, also a prototype of the new overhauled device menu.

https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=Design+page+template#null -current device template, but transferred to be available on the platform too.

https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=Device+%3CX%3E+description+page - new device template, including the engineering list and new design (note the index on the left as well, to help navigate)

https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=Fusion+Hand+-+awaiting+confirmations+and+modifications#null - Dean Rock's device, awaiting confirmation and more data

https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=Oded+Hand+-+awaiting+confirmation+and+tests#null - Oded hand, from Haifa3D

(Both hands are done with the old template, as advised by Jon and Jeremy)

https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=Phoenix+hand+v3+-prototype+page- - (incomplete data) Phoenix v3 updated page. The new data can also be left as a request for the community to do.

I have one or 2 new incoming devices to be added as well.

Looking forward to feedback!


Alexander (Maverick - EU-RO) Sun 23 Jan 2022 1:22PM

The project is finally FINISHED!

  • The final implementation is using a public Google Form (used by anyone) to add devices, which converts to a Google Sheets (accessed only by the admin), which in turn generates Hub Device pages (with admin approval), by using a script made by Mazvydas, and using a custom template, which can be relatively easily modified for all pages to be updated.

  • The new template can be seen used in (almost) any of the recommended devices, in the All devices page. At the time of writing, pages are still doubled, awaiting decision to delete the old ones.

  • All the spaces for Deliverables Part 3 have been integrated in the pages themselves, to prevent the creation of unpopulated parts of the hub.

  • The red markers on the pages indicate places where the community can contribute and help us understand more about our devices, even without building one for a user.

Form view: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemn_W-XpGMJr2r3jBrhfHJlTgtLq8LwaUKm3TPmEtXhzJIJw/viewform

The processes are documented in the User Guide, available here: https://www.overleaf.com/read/bhcfpndbqfyv (download the pdf)

The process is also available in step-by-step video format here:


The Devices Menu visual overhaul is yet to be linked as the main page, but is currently available here: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=All+devices

The closing decision and final presentation of this project can be found here, as part of the Town Hall meeting from 21 January 2022:

<not yet available>

Slides used in the presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gsEFlRS1I1KoahhtVb0rkIvBb8GTH0ViRFuamCzdGmE/edit?usp=sharing

The form, spreadsheet, and importer, as a backup, are also linked in the User Guide.