Extending Public Infrastructure
If the town were to encourage greater housing diversity, should the town extend public infrastructure (water, sewer, public transportation) to accommodate greater density in specific locations? Why? Or why not?
Donna Lamberth Sun 6 Aug 2023 5:02PM
If a developer ever expresses interest in adding housing to our town, Like Stanton Corp, let's be more supportive & let them incur the infrastructure cost & let's work with them to make the development profitable; a win/win. We have too many expenses to be funding infrastructure for housing.
Katie Reeves Sun 30 Jul 2023 12:25AM
@Thomas Kirner Thanks for the comment - really helpful for the housing diversity study committee to see different residents' appetite for these kinds of trade-offs.
Thomas Kirner Sat 29 Jul 2023 9:56PM
I am not in favor of the town expending money for infrastructure. With a school proposal and tax re-evaluation pending we are already facing potentially large tax increases. Would we drive out current residents in the name of housing diversity?
Al Romano · Mon 7 Aug 2023 6:26PM
I agree with others...the cost of extending public infrastructure to a new development should be baked into the cost of the project and paid for by the developers and their subsequent customers (not the town of CE).