Wed 23 Nov 2022 8:40AM

Hackathon in Paris

LS Laurent Savaete Public Seen by 5

Following up on the hackathon in Heidelberg last month, Benni will be coming to Paris to do some more work on MapSwipe on November 24-25th, 2022.

Proposed agenda for those 2 days:

1. backend data base size: This will help reduce the storage size required for the database itself (expected savings on the order of 5-10€/month on the server) and backups as well (not clear how much money this will mean, but less is always better!). As the additional data storage from a mapathon will then be smaller, the cost attached to keeping the results from a mapathon will also be a bit lower. It will also help speed up a variety of jobs (stats calculations, data exports, etc...), which will not impact cost directly, but should help us keep the same small servers for longer.

  • prepare database in advance on the dev server (Laurent)

  • ensure that we have running tests

  • check the script that we have already written to migrate the database

  • missing: model relationship constraint between results and map_session_result (relationship between results and tasks)

2. debug in-app notifications

  • find out why this is not working

3. new app release and bugfix for tutorial

  • Correct the bug in tutorial imagery (where imagery does not match the tutorial question)

  • push out a new release to AppStore and PlayStore with the above fix, as well as minor security updates. This will help ensure a smoother publication process for the upcoming ToggleCorp release with the improved user profile screen.

4. look at the deployment process for the backend and improve where possible, to make deployment of new backend versions faster and less error-prone.

I intend to bill for this work as I did for the previous hackathon with the same daily rate, so a total of 2 days. x 640€ = 1280€. There will be no travel cost attached.

@Benni 's costs (travel + time) will be covered by heiGIT.


Poll Created Wed 23 Nov 2022 10:04AM

Payment for Hackdays in Paris Closed Wed 30 Nov 2022 10:02AM

All details are above. Do you agree with the proposed payment of 1280,-€ (2 days à 640,-€)? Agreement will kick-off the payment process from Open Collective.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 80.0% 4 J B JV D
Abstain 20.0% 1 LS
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 0  

5 of 5 people have participated (100%)


Laurent Savaete
Wed 23 Nov 2022 10:05AM

Abstaining for obvious conflict of interest.


Jorieke Vyncke
Wed 23 Nov 2022 10:05AM

Sounds good, let us know after the hackaton how it went!


Wed 23 Nov 2022 10:05AM

Great stuff! Nice to keep up momentum.