Mon 23 Sep 2019 1:01PM
SJT Coop Bank Account
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Roxy, here is the spreadsheet for us to fill out information regarding the bank account.
I will continue to fill this out throughout the day when I have time from work.
Please let me know if you have any issues accessing or understanding it.
Roxy Cohen Fri 4 Oct 2019 1:36PM
I am just waiting to get some final info from Desjardins.
so far looks like Alterna and BMO = top choices. I like Alterna because its a credit union and LIFT already has our account there, but BMO does look like an even better set up...
josephine grey · Thu 26 Sep 2019 5:43PM
i think its ok to expect this will happen next week... we cannot withdraw until we have a new account. that will require ppl to sign another motion to open an account and assign signing officers. the climate action week has been requiring much attention from Roxy, petra and me...OASIS will be presented on saturday at the solutions summit at OCAD- hope our board can attend.