Thu 25 Jan 2018 8:24PM
AGM Planning
Gregory Marler (former Director)
Seen by 428
Only me and Rob joined the planned call, so it was quick and to the point on our actions. I took some brief notes, included below.
We've previously agreed that the AGM will be in Manchester, and it must be in May or June.
Rob and Gregory.
Action Greg: contact Bob about venue?
Action: Rob to contact "Central Working" for rates.
To host about 40. 2 rooms, so we can break into workshops?
*Timing: * start at 12, end about 5pm.
AGM: hour max, ideally less.
Could start at 12, while people eat their packed lunch (if venue allows).
Rob to create Google Form for calls. Pass it around.
Share entries on Loomio.
Meeting ended +15 minutes.
RobJN · Sat 2 Jun 2018 9:09PM
Thanks all. I have now sent out a newsletter to our members with some of your quotes. I also shamelessly took the opportunity to post it to West Midlands group "Mappa Mercia" blog. Really should mention the CIC more often on the MM site.