AGM Planning
Only me and Rob joined the planned call, so it was quick and to the point on our actions. I took some brief notes, included below.
We've previously agreed that the AGM will be in Manchester, and it must be in May or June.
Rob and Gregory.
Action Greg: contact Bob about venue?
Action: Rob to contact "Central Working" for rates.
To host about 40. 2 rooms, so we can break into workshops?
*Timing: * start at 12, end about 5pm.
AGM: hour max, ideally less.
Could start at 12, while people eat their packed lunch (if venue allows).
Rob to create Google Form for calls. Pass it around.
Share entries on Loomio.
Meeting ended +15 minutes.
RobJN Fri 2 Feb 2018 8:48PM
I got a response from Central Working that their rooms are for members only. Meanwhile I have contacted Open Data Manchester CIC and had an initial positive response. The CEO is going to ask colleagues (venue staff I suppose) and get back to me.
@gregorymarler : any luck contacting Bob?
RobJN Sat 3 Feb 2018 1:28PM
The OpenData Manchester venue:
Jon Harley Sat 3 Feb 2018 7:47PM
OSMF AGMs that I've been to are usually done in much less than an hour. The voting for directors is done and counted in advance, so there's just Q&A on the accounts (usually only one or two questions), and debate on motions (if any). I'd say schedule half an hour, just before lunch, and let it run on into lunchtime if there seems an urgent need for a debate, and people can go for lunch early if it's over quicker.
RobJN Sun 4 Feb 2018 8:45PM
30 minute AGM sounds good. Planning times around lunch will partly depend on the venue and whether it has kitchen facilities/allows food/is located near food outlets. But all these details can be figured out closer to the time. :-)
Fingers crossed we will get some venue news this week. I will feel much happier when that is ticked off the to do list!
Gregory Marler (former Director) Wed 7 Feb 2018 3:01PM
Sorry, I've got behind on OSM bits due to new job.
Bob had no contacts, but recommended
I have been there (for OpenData Camp) and would work for a primary talk area, plus some breakout space. If I remember correctly, they were happy with us having food from down the street, and there was a kettle that could be used.
The website seems to be down, but I've just contacted them via Twitter.
Robert Barr Thu 22 Feb 2018 3:19PM
Hi, Sorry folks I didn't think of Open Data Manchester, they have excellent facilities which are well located too and are nice and effective people.
Jez Nicholson Mon 21 May 2018 7:23AM
Partnering with Open Data Manchester worked really well. Nice folk and a good opportunity to spread the word about OSM without having to arrange a venue and drum up attendees from scratch
Brian Prangle Mon 21 May 2018 3:40PM
Can more members who came to the AGM add a couple of sentences about their day? Hopefully you all enjoyed it - I know I did. Then we can get out a news/blog item about the day. Members' views carry more weight than directors- we're almost duty-bound to be positive!
To those I met - it was great sharing experiences with you. To those I didn't get a chance to talk to at length - perhaps next meeting?
Dan S Tue 22 May 2018 8:41PM
It was ace, in particular the slightly whimsical mapping trip we did, following psychogeographic suggestions prepared by the Joy Diversion organisers. That was a good way to get new mappers and experienced mappers working together on an equal footing.
RobJN · Thu 25 Jan 2018 9:13PM
Thanks Gregory. Got back in to my email to find a couple more apologies so it seems like it was just a bad time to pick.
The call for workshops has now been shared. Please encourage folk to submit something:
I have also contacted Central Working.