Wed 9 Nov 2022 10:49AM

WORKERS.coop first mailer

JA John Atherton Public Seen by 194

In case you don't see this through other roots, WORKERS.coop first email with a request to fill in a survey and send it onto all your other worker members.


Emma Laycock Wed 9 Nov 2022 10:52AM

Thank you!

I’m copying Dom in too so he can see what’s going out.


Emma Laycock​​

Head of Co‑operative Advice

0161 214 1771 ( tel:0161%20214%201771 )

[email protected] ( [email protected] )

www.uk.coop ( http://www.uk.coop/ )

( https://uk.coop/ )

( https://www.facebook.com/cooperativesuk )

( https://www.twitter.com/cooperativesuk )

( https://www.linkedin.com/company/cooperativesuk/ )

( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYhi8_6Y7Y2xZZ9RrtuBkg )

( https://www.instagram.com/cooperativesuk )


craigm Wed 9 Nov 2022 4:31PM

Thanks John. I've added it to GC internal Loomio.


Jace dom Mon 5 Dec 2022 2:03PM

I am glad to be a part of this conversation and I think we should start by saying hello. These Best Dissertation Help in doing every concerned task for students and they can easily complete their college work without getting stressed.

Item removed

Item removed


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Mon 12 Dec 2022 3:36PM

So spammers have discovered how to post to Loomio... time to make membership of this group subject to approval or move to Discourse or both?


John Atherton Mon 12 Dec 2022 5:40PM

spammer removed, everyone is manually approved. Got through the smell test.


adrian ashton Tue 13 Dec 2022 7:09AM

with hindsight, glad I showered then, before submitting my request to join...


alishakihn Thu 27 Jul 2023 12:17AM

@Flappy Bird Thank you!


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Thu 27 Jul 2023 8:56AM

More spam above...

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