Having had the chance to work for and in institutions responsible for gender equality in the government and the legislatures I believe that these institutions should be our primary (institutional) ally. Getting them on engage on new issues is sometimes hard but once on board they can play an important role. This alliance should be based on mutual trust an relationship which takes time and energy. One, in my experience, often missing ally is the academia. Obvious choice would be the gender studies (where they exist) but other studies (philosophy, law, economy etc) can contribute to structured discussions on gender equality.
If we are to make sustainable changes we should make use of the existing laws, policies and institutions and as the civil society we should always demand more accountability, much more progressive and ambitious mid and long term goals in the area of gender equality and swift reactions to discrimination on the basis of gender/sex and gender based violence.
Adnan Kadribasic · Thu 5 Apr 2018 12:17PM
Having had the chance to work for and in institutions responsible for gender equality in the government and the legislatures I believe that these institutions should be our primary (institutional) ally. Getting them on engage on new issues is sometimes hard but once on board they can play an important role. This alliance should be based on mutual trust an relationship which takes time and energy. One, in my experience, often missing ally is the academia. Obvious choice would be the gender studies (where they exist) but other studies (philosophy, law, economy etc) can contribute to structured discussions on gender equality.
If we are to make sustainable changes we should make use of the existing laws, policies and institutions and as the civil society we should always demand more accountability, much more progressive and ambitious mid and long term goals in the area of gender equality and swift reactions to discrimination on the basis of gender/sex and gender based violence.