
Introduce yourself to the group.

Julie Starr Wed 16 Sep 2015 1:27AM
Hi, I'm Julie Starr. I've done some work with the NZ Open Government Data & Information Programme and spent years working/thinking on how the news media might evolve. I think the future-of-news movement could learn a lot from Creative Commons and open developments in the GLAM sector.

Richard White Wed 16 Sep 2015 2:41AM
Hi - Richard White, responsible for Copyright & Open Access at the University of Otago. Was involved in the Media Text Hack here in 2014 (see our Hackpack: ).
I think the sprint format is a great way to get people together and enthused about collaborative development of resources for education.

Dave Koelmeyer Thu 17 Sep 2015 10:14PM
Dave Koelmeyer – end-user IT support at the University of Auckland half of the time at present, the other half running
Long-standing advocate for open standards and open source, naturally progressed to an interest in open access from there (spurred in no small part due to attending the CC roadshow at AUT's city campus earlier this year).
Mali Allen Thu 17 Sep 2015 10:26PM
End-user for IT and overseer for our school. Administrator for may sites etc, interested in this and having a space for editable resources.

Rebekah Nathan Fri 18 Sep 2015 1:38AM
Kia ora koutou!
I'm Becka, a Year 7/8 teacher at Karori Normal School. I'm really passionate about equitable access to resources and information as well as community driving knowledge building. Also, the idea that students are citizens now rather than citizens in waiting so we using online and digital tools a lot in my classroom to support this ideal. Looking forward to seeing how this develops!
Melita Thu 24 Sep 2015 2:37AM
Kia ora koutou!
I'm Melita. I work in adult and workplace education, largely in New Zealand but overseas a bit too. I'm based in Whanganui and am pretty passionate (read: my friends get bored of my rants!) about quality learning opportunities and resources for adults. I think OER can play a huge part in making this happen!
Deleted account Fri 25 Sep 2015 4:14AM
I'm a media arts educator working in both schools and after-school programmes to deliver courses in animation, coding, and robotics in Wellington.
I am incredibly passionate about using (and creating) Creative Commons and Open Source tools in the classroom. I have been wanting to publish my lesson plans and resources under a CC license for quite sometime now, but I have struggled to find the best platform and think up ways to make lessons easily remixable for various classroom contexts.
I am excited to meet others who share this passion and hopefully be a part of creating some awesome CC licensed content for educators.

William Mckee Thu 5 Nov 2015 2:02AM
Hi. I'm William. I volunteer for Creative Commons NZ - mostly by preaching to groups/organisations I'm involved with.
I'm an visual artist, digital painting mostly but have done lots of drawing/painting. I write software in Python and worked for Ministry Of Education as an Education Support Worker. I enjoy hacking on their content.

Kay Tue 16 Feb 2016 10:16PM
Hi, I'm Kay Jones from Wellington. I help Hack Miramar ( run hackathons. I'm not really a coder but I'm enthusiastic about tech and open source. Many years ago I was a secondary school teacher. More recently I've engaged with the school system thru my son and local community. I'm also a book addict, a former leftie activist, and I share my passions on social media.
Matt McGregor · Sun 13 Sep 2015 11:07PM
My name is Matt, and I'm the Public Lead at Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand. We're part of a global movement working to make it easier for anyone to find, copy and adapt the educational resources they need, free of price, technical and legal restrictions.
I'm also keen to see more publicly funded works - including heritage, research, data and creative works - made freely and openly available.