Sun 20 May 2018 10:24PM
1 million + students demanding a chance to vote for final Brexit deal.
1 million students are demanding a vote in the final say on the Brexit deal
(Observer 13-5-18) As they will be on vacation from end May - Oct, could we make contact now, with the NUS about the 'For Our Futures Sake' campaign -with a view to them joining in Pulses and attending events in the autumn?

Ruth Malloy Tue 22 May 2018 8:36AM
Maggie has suggested we do a commuter-style call for Bath uni students at the end of this month, by standing opposite the main entrance to Bath university (the long drive) with our BREXIT: IS IT WORTH IT? signs. What were the dates you suggested, Maggie?
Alice Hovanessian · Mon 21 May 2018 9:47PM
Good point, Misha. Alan and I are in touch with a number of students and staff at Bath uni, but they are busy with exams at the moment, and I think we both have a lot on our plates. Realistically, it will be tricky to do anything before the autumn term, even though it may be too late by then. There are a few new student groups aligned to political parties starting up and the campus seems to be getting a lot more political, which is great to see. I suggest we try and mobilise them in the autumn.