Tue 19 Feb 2019 6:07PM

Tuesday's Waffle Fundraiser

C Connor Public Seen by 162

Hey guys! Good news and bad news. The good news from our sale is that we may have a new member! We'll see if bmesias@student.sussex.edu accepts our invitation.

The bad news is our fundraiser was not successful. This is bound to happen from time to time, and as a resilient club, every failure should be seen as an exciting opportunity to learn and improve.

The major showstopper was that a new member who had promised us she would bring a second waffle maker, didn't even show up. So, as fate would have it, the single machine we were relying on broke down. ...Because of course it did. 馃檮 Without a backup, we were unable to continue making waffles,and had to prematurely end the bake sale.

I say "prematurely", because we did not make enough money to recover the costs of putting the whole thing together: mix, condiments, fruit, etc.

That said, we still have all of that stuff! So we should take what we have and put the sale on again as soon as possible. This time with proper signage and at least one backup waffle maker, of course 馃槄

P. S. anybody else have a waffle iron we could borrow? 馃榾