TOU For Pictures
Do not modify the Terms Of Use for pictures to add compliance for WHO Code.
Last year we discussed modifying the TOU for pictures to add a condition for who compliance (no logo, no bottlefeeding). We discussed that it didn't feel right to exclude bottlefeeding mothers because a lot of babies that receive donated milk cannot breastfeed, and if we do not allow non compliant companies we have to edit the stash pics significantly, and don't showcase pictures with sns. So the proposal is to not add a condition for who compliance.
Leah Callahan Thu 14 Mar 2013 6:17AM
I am still undecided. I need to revisit the discussion, because I remember changing my mind or at least being swayed by some compelling discussion at the time. I do agree very very much that WMW needs to take it's rightful place as a trailblazer on this topic and be conscious/aware of the ramifications of any decision.
Leah Callahan Sat 16 Mar 2013 4:58PM
I'm going to agree with the proposal, and reinforce what Dinnae suggested.
This is an area that is vastly misunderstood and people are very ignorant (not in a pejorative sense), and WMW has the opportunity to educate and spread the knowledge both that the WHO code exists, and why. And perhaps that is a potential theme for another conversation. I think this event has the potential to help people approach marketing of breastmilk substitutes, and even donor milk, with critical thinking about how these substitutes impact them, directly and indirectly.
Agustina Vidal · Tue 12 Mar 2013 2:00PM
yes, it is to leave the TOU as it is, I will add it to the proposal